Mid-century Shithole


5,000 hours of stick time”. Is that a lot?

Go ahead,  validate the MAGA crowd... This is idiotic.

Couldn’t add some photos of the CT with rubber strips?

Sat in a brand new Tahoe recently and... I don’t get the price tag either. The interior has very poor built quality and the materials are far worse than a current gen Sportage. 

That might be a tad excessive but yeah, limit passengers to 3-4 drinks. No need to have flights more disrupted than they already are.

Spent a few years of my childhood riding in the back of 2 of these (dad was a fan). I had never truly realized how unique that was. The super smooth suspension meant lots of sea sickness for me but it’s also the first car I drove... at 10 years old, sitting on my dad lap on a dirt road. So overall it’s a winner.

Agreed. But did you take into account that CDJR dealerships offer a TERRIBLE experience to potential (or existing) customers? I had to take my now defunct Grand Cherokee to one for a recall and not one but 2 sleazy guys went with the “so... what can we do to put you in the seat of a new one? eh?”.

Of maybe, just maybe, he was a product of the environment he grew up in, royally fucked up, realized how wrong he was and he’s really changed? If we can’t forgive him on this, than we don’t truly believe that anyone who’s been convicted of crimes deserves a second chance.

You’re not impersonating anything in a country where the local law enforcement has entirely different vehicles, names and liveries...

Time to go with Airbus, then? /s

Wouldn’t be hard to bring back the Hemi. It’s not like they threw away the casts... Bring it back in select vehicles (low volume, more desirable), improve efficiency or pair it with a mild hybrid system to meet compliance mandates.

Newly rich people or rich wannabes, yes. They’ll buy the shoes adorned with a giant Balenciaga or Gucci logo. Lots of actually wealthy folks love understated stuff. They’ll buy the handmade loafers with no visible branding.

You’re a car dealership with no service department... weird but ok. However... you can’t even check the oil? Are you sure you should be advising people about cars?

That’s a dumb generalization. I know 30 year olds who should never get behind the wheel and 80 year-olds who could run donuts around them.

Straw man? Geez man. Have a little bit of respect and compassion. So maybe it’s a company run by terrible people. They’ve experienced employees going above and beyond to help out someone in need, it’s worth mentioning. Sadly it’s not that common.

The lease offers are pretty good

Funny when you see the amount of “Here we don’t call 911" merch sold around the country


Maybe just... only race on race tracks?