One time I was driving to work and I got hit with a massive attack of IBS and there was a Burger King to the left of the road so I swerved across 4 lanes at speed and right over a curb-height divider I didn’t register was there. I was in a heavily used 10 year old Corolla at the time. It incurred zero damage.
Still the most amazing dipshits driving these things around.
Ok… might be time to register an address in Europe.
Hey Siri, remind me in 25 years
My interest has been piqued...But I live in America! So we won’t get something this cool, Ever because of the SUV consumer =( ...and Trumps Tarrifs if that ever comes to fruition.
I’m especially intrigued by one thing that isn’t mentioned in this article: the two in-hub engines inside the rear wheels.
It was just absolutely poor product planning. It is fine to kill off the Hemi but only if the direct replacements are ready to roll out in tandem. IMO they should’ve worked on a V8 replacement for the Hemi that was in the works instead of the Hurricane I6 but it is too late for that. Stellantis makes their money on…
He wanted the company’s vehicles to be more expensive to buy, cheaper to produce
Right? Getting in this cab should come with a discount, not an upcharge.
Ah yes. Those cheap ebay racer seats look so comfortable...
I like London taxis, but this one is a bit too gaudy for me.
around 20 years ago I purchased a used Subaru from a local Subaru dealer. I found out about 2 weeks after purchasing it that it was burning oil. They gave me the run around for weeks and in the end they didn’t fix it and they would not take the car back ( a 2500$ car at the time ).
I spoke with their sales manager…
Here’s another angle from outside.
The saddest part about this is that someone who starred in several seasons of an incredibly successful sitcom doesn’t have the resources to get past this. I guess he didn’t get the big bucks.