Did someone say “watered down”?
Did someone say “watered down”?
Boltman can’t breathe! Oh no!
Boltman is thrusting in the direction of the problem!
Boltman says a lot of things...
You could say he was............
The Commish
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (animated)
Sir, this is a Wendy’s drive-thru.
Well, I found my new answer to the question: “Death challenges you to a game for your soul. What do you pick?”
The first one was actually really good.
Isn’t almost everything that is a D.C. Animated Batman/Superman tale better BvS?
Once the Niners go down by 3 TDs to Seattle, I’ll be switching to Captain Morgan...
Definitely not the best day in terms of alternatives. Hopefully I can find something on Netflix that catches my fancy.
trolling jalopnik and deadspin commenters
The Falcons don’t have a ring though
The Globe and Mail did the appropriate thing and calculated out the price in Canadian in maple syrup. 70 to 100 bottles! That’s so much more useful. Can you chug an iPhone? No, no you can’t.
Isn’t he bellow mediocre vanilla??
My wife and I will be embarking on this year’s Halloween project - a Halloween tree made from PVC pipe, chicken wire, and papier machê.
And season four of Bojack Horseman is on Netflix! It will fuck you up but that’s basically all you need.