Ph Dad wants an ally cookie

That just makes me want a live-action Archer where Pam is played by either Amy Schumer or Rebel Wilson.

“Instead of saying ‘Good job’s or ‘well done’ on the cleaning, Mom just keeps asking ‘where’d the dirty clothes go?’ or ‘why aren’t there any clothes in the hamper?’ I didn’t have to clean, I cleaned because of my own generosity and Mom just wants to criticize me at every turn. Bad!"

Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.

it would have had to have been bernie sanders with that bird.

That dog probably takes more walks than any other dog in history.

Detailing the explicit faults of the people already fired would be pretty sensible. You don’t think that would help other universities realize acting shamefully will bring shame on you.

Baylor has had many years and still won’t cop to what went wrong, who did it, or what they are really doing about it. Citing their Christian mission, they should have immediately gone to protect the women (you know, the same rapidity with which they will beat a trans woman senseless for using the “wrong” bathroom).

Your questions aren’t answered? Same with everyone who read this crap report...

For starters, Ken Starr still has a job.

You can’t claim someone got it right when they can’t show WHAT THEY EVEN DID OR WHY?!

Reading, how does it work?!?

We Jews refer to him as Moses.

Gee you have low standards.

Because nothing says transparency and contrition like “some things happened, they’re bad’ish, some people might lose their jobs, we’re not sure” and then *spirit fingers*

Well, an actual report might identify instances of wrongdoing, for one.

“When your 3 year old daughter looks at the tv and says mummy look purple play doh I like play doh.”

I think I saw the Senator’s new car

Hard to believe that a church affiliated entity might have trouble dealing with sexual crimes

Well, then you have no problem with analytics. NObody using any statistical analysis would “dismiss ALL of the old stats as meaningless” and think that “only the new stats count.” Any sound analyst would say that the “traditional baseball card stats” do have some value but they don’t have as much PREDICTIVE value as

This idiotic Wilbon article is what I would have expected if Whitlock was running that site. I’m normally a pretty calm person, but I was so irrationally mad about this yesterday that if I saw Wilbon on the street I would have screamed at him. He basically wrote an article that says “black people are very emotional