Ph Dad wants an ally cookie

I mean, as a purchaser of several brassieres for my missus, I think I have a better handle on ladies’ undergarment sizing than most of my fellow males. I think I speak for all of us when I say:

Your system is insane. It’s amazing anyone can figure it out. Women’s sizes for most other articles of clothing are strange to

I’m not saying Jay Gruden’s fat, but when he sits around the offensive mascot’s tee-pee, he sits around the offensive mascot’s tee-pee.

A Jay Gruden fat joke? Now that’s an offensive line that RGIII can really get behind.

Do you need to make more money? A guy my sister knows make $10,000 a month from home selling nanobubble water. Just get some blackmail on a famous athlete and get him to endorse it for all that shit essential oils says it can cure and profit!!! Just visit.

Hey, asshole, the U.S. is his fucking country! He’s Puerto-Rican, not Mexican. Why is he responsible for Mexico having good government any more than you are responsible for Greece or some other majority-white country having good government?

I used to wear them all the time but I had to stop after they kept breaking whenever the loud, upwardly mobile couple lottery winners next door would play their rapping music.

Excuse me Madam, but I am a very important, monocled businessman and your revelry is disturbing me while I’m reading important business reports!

I think Lee Majors is a bit old to be taking the heat for these guys.

My 3-year-old says vulva. She will have the double bonus of making adults uncomfortable as a child and not sounding like an idiot as an adult. I’m proud of her.

My two cents? I know a lot of people just say “vagina” for even the exterior, but we really should start making the distinction. Maybe not at the toddler stage (just go with “vagina”, that’s the more important one), but when they have a few years on them to retain knowledge of the difference between the two terms. As

I feel your joke fell a bit flat, but I’m starring anyway because your username is a thing of beauty.

Aaaaaaand followed. I like you.


You’re on the right path, snake.

We're snakes in a pit now? Where have I been? I thought we were still lesbian shit asses. Sorry guys, I have some redecorating to do.

As a current Minnesotan transplanted from another state, I have a few theories:

Can’t Someone Else Brew It

Nobody Likes Farmhouse (ale)

Clearly he was worried about grammatical errors and after a peer review, he felt impelled to go back and edit.