Right, like the article about how people think about the growing costs of child-bearing: "If you can't afford a dog, don't get a dog; if you can't afford a kid, don't have kid!"
Right, like the article about how people think about the growing costs of child-bearing: "If you can't afford a dog, don't get a dog; if you can't afford a kid, don't have kid!"
Late word - Alabama has just re-re-written the law to advise that births may only happen in mangers and the mother must prove virginity.
I wouldn't say that it's part of trichotillomania, but rather another kind of impulse-control challenge, more similar to nail-biting or nose-picking than trich. I would also imagine that his experience of this hair-twirling does not lead to distress for him (but perhaps for you). Additionally, trich would not be…
I know the Grammy's are about as representative of music as the Oscars are representative of films, but I don't know who most of these people are. And that doesn't depress me, it just makes me kind of angry. Fuck that entire dog and pony show.
Something similar to this happened in Monclair, NJ a few years ago, and a few years before that in neighboring Glen Ridge. This is what happens when those with mental challenges are demeaned and masculinity excludes empathy. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/17/nyr…
Seriously, what needs to be done in this situation? They perpetrators are all minors. What punishment and counseling is going to fix whatever is in these kids to not annaly rape a mentally challenged person?
Other shit heads.
I heard they're getting a Davidians too. It's not not a flagship store, just a branch.
Hmmmm, I'm not sure that I got a "Porn is amazingly feminist yay!" vibe from this. I got the impression that Mark is, understandably, on the fence about certain aspects of the industry. With the example of gonzo porn, he says that for some performers, it's an experience they find empowering and liberating, but gonzo…
"You'll be amaze!" is my catchphrase.
Look, I think we all know what this is about: ethics in high art journalism.
I would have loved for that lil fur muffin to get the airbrush treatment
"need you home a sap"
It sounds like nobody is certain who is on the video anyway. I didn't watch it (for obvious reason), but if he is unidentifiable, it's pretty easy to say he's not part of the frat.
The Gas Law he should be more worried about is probably actually Gay-Lussac's second law, that's the one that has to do with the pressure of a gas under changing temperature with fixed volume. Boyle's law deals with the relationship of pressure and volume, at a fixed temperature.
Why would someone who is not a member of their frat ask her a question like that? So, someone not a member of Pike asked the girl which fraternity was the best, wanting her to answer "Pike," but he's not a Pike member? What the fuck ever.