I think we found the troll holy grail! An earnest use of "feminazi." It's so cute, I could just pinch its widdle cheeks.
I think we found the troll holy grail! An earnest use of "feminazi." It's so cute, I could just pinch its widdle cheeks.
I'll get to the BOTTOM of this!
great question and great asterisks, sir!
... Docking?
Kristen Stewart likes to live dangerously, while her better-dressed companion likes to not get coffee burns.
I'm all for never letting Dungy live that down.
Oh no, HE wouldn't be a Republican for getting a damned job, I'm Republican to think that my opinion on his employment status should determine whether he gets the (whatever kind of) welfare.
What's with all the outrage? Dude is just suffering from affluenza. People need to be more sensitive about rich douchebags who harm others when they don't get their needs met. It's a tragedy that this country doesn't talk affluenza seriously.
they need to make this into a secondary storyline on Girls
motivated by anything other than hatred and spite.
I, for one, am shocked that it took you this long to name-drop Hitler.
You're not being fair here - he's not saying that his niece is NAMED Paul, he's just saying she KNOWS Paul, and that Paul is a female in grade school. So he wouldn't have had any say at all in naming her. At least that's my read of the situation.
Paul McCartney's your niece? That's pretty neat.
Paul McCartney is not a "she"
This is a football school. They all lie about degrees.
Here's my question - why did nobody go back and edit this after the fact? They could have simply altered it to appear that Pullam was fired for leading the losing team - which happens a lot. Why leave this in now that its clear that Pullam might have had VERY good reasons for not calling Cosby?
It's not that I think Zombieland is a bad movie. I just was surprised and disappointed to find that it's mostly a very mild buddy comedy/road movie/teen rom-com, only with some zombies wandering around. I watched it, and I remember enjoying it here and there, but I do honestly feel like, had it not been for the Bill…
So, I realize I am being a *TOTAL* nitpicky nerd here, but Grom's nose ring wouldn't "suck up the cold", because cold is simply a way for one to express a lack of heat. It'd be more accurate to say that the ring doesn't retain heat, or sheds heat too fast. (This is also why you can't "let the cold in" if you leave a…
Whenever you see Fox in-costume, his legs are straight like those of a human. But as a fox, his legs should bend the other way (as they appear to do here when he isn't wearing pants). It confuses Samus (though I'm not sure why, she can turn into a ball and roll around).