Ph Dad wants an ally cookie

Deadspin Twitter: "The NFL is a racket run by shameless scam artists."

I was going to point out that you probably want to link to the actual story instead of the apology post, but then I went back and re-read the apology and realized it's not all that great either, so either one will do.

Don't forget this one!

Sometimes, on cat videos.

nope it means "overreaching," sorta like this comment

You guys forgot all of us poors in the greys.

You might ask if she's.... COMING OR GOING.

All white people need to watch Bamboozled. It might help, and it's also pretty damn funny.

That African American studies thing reminds me of Bamboozled, tbh.

"Particle Man" is awesome. Almost as good as "Your Racist Friend".

"And, I suppose, nothing can be done with people who put olives in martinis, presumably because in some desolate childhood hour someone refused them a dill pickle and so they go through life lusting for the taste of brine.

You realize you're the one here bitching that a writer has an opinion different than yours, right?

As you have The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, you could add the following as well:

I recently read "A Billionaire Dinosaur Turned Me Gay" on kindle unlimited, and the same author (Hunter Fox, lul) has written a ton of short stories riddled with spelling errors about various mythical creatures turning the main character gay. I would rather give a 5 hour reading of those, one after the other, in front

I read the tagline about Robert Mitchum seducing a young single mother, and my mind went straight to Night of The Hunter.

Definitely the clearest way to show that you're a bunch of dicks.

What is this small child doing in this highly sexualised ad? Keep those mistletoe comments away from my baby.

Oh god, the comments section of anywhere else is The Worst. I lose faith in humanity when reading Yahoo comments.

The Encylopedia Brown remark made me spit my coffee. So, you regularly have dinner with the chief of police, and when he's onto a case he just can't crack, he'll take his notebook out of his breast pocket and let you have a whack at it? "But wait ... you said he wore a BLUE hat when he walked into the room! Case

I have to say that this is the only website that has covered this where the comments section hasn't basically boiled down to 'He deserved it because he lied about being a man.' It's heartening to find a little corner of the internet where decent people exists.