AVoiceForMen.biz is available. Shall we?
/long rant
A male friend was a victim of domestic abuse. A female friend was a victim of domestic abuse. They did not have the same experiences getting help, etc because of gender roles, homophobia, sexism, etc. There is a place and need in society for general and specific help.
If MRAs really cared about Mens Rights,…
One more thing that makes my dad awesome was his telling us while we were growing up "You do not have to hug, kiss or let anyone pick you up you do not want to. If they insist or get mad tell them "My daddy and mommy said I don't have too and please talk to him" ." An uncle got angry and said we were weird for not…
Her daughter isn't avoiding touch. Her daughter is touching on her terms. That sounds healthy to me.
Only a few people have messaged me death threats; overwhelmingly, the response is positive, and I've raised money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, and I am always pleased to hear from people who message me saying that they too are trying to flex their boobs.
The Cowboys released Michael Sam today, and PFT Commenter found that a lot of people (make sure to say they) don't care. [Strong Takes]
That would have been Ricest. Huh? HUH?..... I'll let myself out. Sorry.
Also, any guy who enjoys blowjobs and uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite.
Fortunately internet comment sections are famously forgiving. I think you guys are in the clear.
I will look forward to his making this into a film.
middle linebacker
Yeah, as someone who works for a University, this isn't too bad. As some other posters have mentioned, these athletes are 17-19 years old when they start college. I've had parents call trying to get transcripts/diploma/etc for their 26 year old "children" who are in PhD programs.
I think it's pretty typical. I mean, they're 18-19 year olds who signed a deal. Also consider that in most cases, the parents are now having to scramble to figure out how to send these kids to college for more than they were bargaining for to pay, when just months earlier they were celebrating their kids getting a…
Personally, I find this a pretty poor example of "helicopter parenting". I'm fairly confident that most parents (that is, parents in and out sports as well as 'highly involved' and not-at-all involved parents), would simply want answers to simple questions like a) why is my kid no longer on a team, b) why is my kid's…