Ph Dad wants an ally cookie

All new stuff is bad and trash. Only old stuff is good.

This, one thousand million googol times. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had conversations with Cowboys fans (Randy Galloway, local crazy old man sportswriter, used to refer to them as the “Cowsheep”) who think it’s a salient point to explain that the Cowboys won Superbowls back when I was in Middle School. I

🍄 🍄

Clueless dude here. Is it really a common thing for dudes to masturbate in front of unwilling witnesses? Because that’s so horrible and gross. Who would do that?

Dude, I have that same edition of Dune! Cover is probably ripped the same, too. Wicked.

And you’ve just named two new Star Wars characters

I’m in Tampa about to watch the game but I don’t have any whiskey because there aren’t any liquor stores near me. Fucking Baptists.

Over time, Theseus repaired his ship until every piece of it was replaced. Was it still the same ship?

1. The history of the English Language.

But I really want someone to explain Doge to me. Is it supposed to be pronounced with a hard or a soft g?

On the other hand, it’s worth reading for the Neanderthal drug tripping.

If you’re main interest is Cro-Magnon bonking, just skip CotCB and Go on to Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, and Plains of Passage.

This, is all, good kinja, but, more commas, would make it great kinja,

please do not come in my thread and troll people

Mountain Goats just released Goths and it’s streaming on NPR Music. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I assume it’s the kind of peppy beach jam that all the kids will be boppin’ to this summer!

How does fishtank cleaning pay? I could use a summer gig.

Came here to post this exact thing. Good call.

That should be “batu ilin malalte, batu ilin alte” (-u is the ending for the imperative mood and -e is the ending for adverbs).

The catch is that there is always a wrestling match going on.

Yeah well the joke’s on you, because wrestling is fake. I bet you didn’t even know.