Um... Adventures in Babysitting?
Um... Adventures in Babysitting?
If you haven’t seen Stranger Things yet, now would be a very good time to binge it.
No Snorlax?
Does it come with Snake? No? I’ll keep my old Nokia I think.
Man that’s a sweet car.
So are we The Onion now? Because there already is one of those. It’s owned by the same guys as you, actually.
Are you implying that watching Law and Order has but given me a full and accurate understanding of all aspects of the legal system?
I’m pretty sure it’s “Fruit of the poison tree.” Or possibly “reckless disregard.” No wait, it’s “inevitable discovery.”
In other words, he’s not lying, he’s just knowingly making false statements. In what universe that considered lying?
You told Brandt on the phone; Brandt told me.
New Gawker Media should be 100% Slack conversations.
Big error there: one of those pictures is actually from the kids book “Olivia” by Ian Falconer
“Birdhouse in your soul”
In San Francisco, I hear it gets you a half bedroom, half bathroom.
No adult should ever wear cargo shorts listen to any advice that starts “no adult should ever wear...”
How about the Chevy Aveo?
It’s educational. And also NSFW
What happened to Shoe?
xkcd, Dinosaur Comics, Existential Comics, and Oh Joy Sex Toy are definitely in the top ten
He has those guitar lesson flyers with his number on it.