Ph Dad wants an ally cookie

The Dao that can be colered is not the true Dao: it is the Coloradao

For years, my go-to sports take had been, “at the end of the game, the team with the most points is the team that is going to win.” I guess that’s a little long for a title.

The first time I heard this joke, I was at a coffee shop and actually overhearing it told at the table next to me. After the punchline (which I always heard as, “You know what, clown? FUCK YOU!”), everyone laughs and someone says, “the best part is where you shout that last line really loud!” And someone else says,

If this is what I think it is, you are referencing quite possibly the greatest joke in the history of jokes.

Homeopathy does. not. work. Period. End of line. It contains virtually no active ingredients and is based on the principle that water “remembers” substances that were once dissolved into it, even after it has been diluted to the point where none of the dissolved substance remained.

I thought the speech was fine and I was surprised at the criticism age got for not being more “emotive” or whatever. Maybe I’m just spectrum-y enough that I don’t pick up on the finer points of vocal delivery?

You still expect us to believe there is an NFL team in “Jacksonville”? Yeah, some of us don’t just believe everything the “lame”stream “media” tells us. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!

I am in a Facebook parenting group for progressive religious/spiritual types and the admin recently issued a blanket ban on election posts specifically for this reason.

Chuck Grassley told me those are totally fake - unless they’re selling real Raybans from a folding table in front of Ford’s Theater now.

Only if he shows up in his sweet Trans-am

So the media — that is, the thing that this the entire basis of his career — is bad?

Ermagard, buffalerrrr!

I blame the cowboys and their sphere of evil for the shameful Texas Rangers ballpark scam currently going on.

Diana, how great does it feel to get to write about something other than athletes being horrible human beings and the horrible human beings who defend them?

I really, really hate to be this guy, but “nonplussed” means “upset,” not “unaffected.” But since no one else seems to care, this is probably not a battle worth fighting.

Ryan Reynolds is spot on.

I would find it interesting I think, but I just don’t have the time and can’t miss that much work. Can an ADD diagnosis really get you out of jury duty? I can provide paperwork, but really all they’d have to do is just talk to me for two minu.... look a squirrel!

Third screenshot down, model on the left: reminds me a lot of that episode of Buffy where Faith wakes up from a coma and is walking around in the hospital in her gown all dazed.

Obviously. I mean, two hetero men would never stand shirtless side by side...

You should meet his coaching staff, Gregg Negging, Johnny Game and Fred #Notallmen