I just googled it. According to Wikipedia, Player B was better.
I just googled it. According to Wikipedia, Player B was better.
Yeah, but what about us neeeeeerrrrrdddss who are suddenly expected to know about sports now? Like, WTF is a VORP? Is that from the prequels or something?
This math is hard. I wish they taught sports-arguing at school.
Excellent reporting as always. Also, “Reagan Ramsower” sounds like the name of a Bond villain
As a possessor of male junk, I can vouch for the horribleness of junk-Icy Hot contact.
Dammit, I was going to post that SNL sketch to show off my vast knowledge of early 90s SNL.
You complete ass, nowhere in this article does it say that Clinton is disliked “only” because she’s a woman. However, writing an article about why she is disliked without once referring to the reality of gender bias is just extreme ignorance and blindness.
Meanwhile, I fucking need Adderall for myself and for my kid and have to jump through so many freaking hoops to get it.
It looks from the description like they’re trying to do Bojack Horseman.
I think it’s very brave of her to come out and admit to being a Mariners fan.
That’s the one I was thinking of. Not Tiffany, it was Madonna.
Just read the horrible thing about the dead friend that was on Xo Jane. Then you’ll know that you’ll never be the worst friend in the world.
Cherish like the oldies classic by The Association or the 80s pop song by Tiffany or whoever?
So who the fuck is he? I guess he’s the Billy Baldwin of the Bushes?
You just hate everything that is good and right, don’t you?
Considering how much he liked to talk about his own “Will” as well as his desire for older women and beautiful young men, this show could be really interesting.
Pure Kinja gold