Ph Dad wants an ally cookie

But don’t forget that they don’t provide mammograms. Conservatives are very concerned that women might not know this, and that pp aren’t just worshippers of Molech, they are lying liars who lie lies about their untrue providing of mammograms.

I agree with you that hbp is the best book, though Phoenix is a very close second. The difference is that the movie version of Order of the Phoenix is actually good.

For when you say, “My feet don’t look nearly Michael Jackson enough today”

This is exactly how I play checkers with my son. If you ever hold back even a little, they’ll see your weakness and never be psychologically whole.

Do you know what Chafee tells his son a buffalo tells his (the buffalo’s) son when he leaves for school?

The things we see as heroic, a lot of times come down to just doing your job right regardless of the circumstances.

This seriously brings male tears to my eyes. Sweet, salty, bitter male tears.

“Pinnipeds consume my life”

To me, it’s like someone who’s all like, “I’m a teepee, I’m a wigwam,” and I’m all like, “dude, you’re two tents”

He can use the same excuse Prodigy did, maybe: “No, our song isn’t about beating up women, it’s about doing heroin!”

I don’t get it: if the laser-eyes are only blocked by the specially designed glasses, how do her eyelids stop them? Or am I thinking of Cyclops?

He hasn’t gotten over the whole “lions and Christians” thing.

Fucking wrecked, let me tell you. I have to keep mine clipped as short as possible or I’ll start biting them.

You have no idea how awful it was.

On the day after baseball ends. Did they think they were firing the Marlins’ coach and get mixed up?

Fuck, I’m a Rangers fan and I’m still bitter that we paid good money for that shitbag A-Rod.

This kid is the hero Texas needs, wants.

The Rangers are a team of castoffs and supposedly over-the-hill veterans.

I remember the good old days when reporters would actually put their ear to the ground to listen for the rumbling of the bison herds. None of that fancy digital wind detection.