Ph Dad wants an ally cookie

He wishes he were a little bit taller? He wishes he were a baller?

Do you know what the difference is between Mahler and expensive wine? Mahler is cheap to listen to. Hell, I can buy upper gallery tickets to Bass Hall for less than the cost of a bottle of fancy wine. I’ll keep my plonk and my Mahler, thank you very much.

If your goal here is top point out the flawed science behind this stuff, good job. If your point is to confirm the stereotype than appreciating wine outs for elitist snobs, you hit a home run.

I think that should be the site’s new slogan.

A brewery in McKinney, Texas called Franconia has a pretty good Kölsch. So does St. Arnold’s, their Lawn Mower.

Hah! I never got into Warhammer, but I do D&D. Once when I had a pocket full of cash I hooked with my wife about going to the comic store, saying, “I’ve always wondered what $80 worth of dice looks like.” She immediately responded, “A divorce?”

Aren’t escort cards the things you get handed by guys on the sidewalk in Vegas?

Great, first gay marriage, now people getting married without properly bouttonniered groomsmen?

“Tablescapes” would be a great title for a documentary about Warhammer or Battletech.

I didn’t play Halo until it was kind of “old,” but I distinctly remember first encountering the flood and it scared the shit out of me.

Have you tried the Revolver Blood and Honey? So good. This one is good too.

Haven’t gotten around to it yet. Interestingly, that’s how I initially felt about Redbird. I’m on the side of “love it” now, though.

If the message they were going for was “our town is a soulless corporate hellhole” they really nailed it.

I was thinking some kind of deep sea creature.

It’s like I always say, ÞÞIÞ: Þank Þor it’s Þursday

Won’t help. He’s too sinful for heaven, but hell won’t take him since the devil would think he’s after his job. So he’ll just want the earth running soccer wherever he goes.

Could we work þ into it somehow? I feel like it needs a þ.

Look out, it’s the floating head of Ariana Grande!

Thee is not a single player on the USMNT that could make it in the TMNT