
Well, in Florida, maybe.

Yeah, but think about the type of person who would own a restored 1979 Dodge Truck (boomer AF), where its located (Florida, naturally), and draw the only logical conclusion.

“Art imitating life”

Eh, the keep making biker bullshit. Sons of Anarchy and Mayans on tv, movies like Torque and the Motorcycle Diaries, nobody cares.

Same here! Washing machine and everything. I’ve got student loan payments and a kid in preschool, I’ll watch a YouTube video and take my chances every time if it’ll save a few bucks.

I will not accept this slander of poorly-done YouTube videos!

Oh please, this is far too strident. Roundabouts are only really workable in suburban or exurban places where you’ve completely given up on pedestrian use. I find myself walking through roundabouts somewhat frequently and its always goddamn terrifying. I don’t care what anyone says, I’ll never believe they’re safer

A little harsh, but not wrong.

I see the stigma of trailer homes is alive and well.

Well how about instead of car blogs we take advice from Warren Buffett:

Lol, trumpists are so desperate for wins they’re taking credit for getting Koreans to continue not doing something they haven’t done for 65 years.

This option isn’t for everyone, but for $40-$50 bucks you could order new LED backlights on ebay and fix it yourself. Opening up a TV is tricky but totally do-able, especially given the multitude of tutorials on YouTube. And, it’s like, the TV is already broken, what have you got to lose by trying to fix it besides a

LMAO leave it to David to ignore every one of this guy’s requirements. The guy wants a comfortable, reliable, cheap car and he suggests an overpriced 40 year old GM product with a V8 and no lumbar support.

Ok boomer!

It’s not that boomers are always wrong, necessarily, its just that we’re all sick of their shit and nobody cares what about what they have to say.

Strongly disagree with you on the parking brake thing. A “big heavy duty lever” is nothing compared to a 3,000 lb vehicle.

Who’s arguing?  I calls em like I sees em. 

The grownups are crying and shitting in their diapers because they saw something scary on the news in the 70s and now they’re afraid of the bus. 

Ok boomer

Ok uncle moneybags. With only one option in each segment, each car ought to be “the people’s car” version for that segment.  Miata all the way.  If you don’t want two Mazda’s, swap Honda Fit for Mazda 3 in the “small car” category.