
As a criminal defense attorney, allow me to state first and foremost that the vast majority of police officers are trained pathological liars and that if one of them tells you so much as the time or the color of the sky you should first mistrust and then verify.

I live in Massachusetts, so I’m extremely familiar with rusted-in fasteners, and am best friends with my angle grinder. I’ve done engine work, suspension work, body work, exhaust, brake lines, fuel lines, cooling system, AC...... I’m telling you this not to brag, but to give context to the following statement:

Counterpoint: Every Lotus is a weekend driver

Search “[Your car and year] brake replacement” on youtube. I’d pretty much guarantee you can find a detailed video documenting how to do the swap, tools needed, things to look out for, etc

Tip to push the caliper piston back in: take one of the old brake pads and place it on the piston. Then use your tool to push on the old brake pad and it’ll apply an even downward force on the piston. This will prevent any rocking of the piston in its bore (if you were to do it like in the video) and will require less

I’ve done my own brakes several times. The problem is that it needs to be done infrequently enough that I feel like I’m re-learning how to do it every time.

Having owned a GM SUV of this vintage I know for a fact that they seatbelt are included in the removable seat assemblies. 

It looks like he forgot to peel that blue protective film off his trim, like when you buy a stainless steel dishwasher.

Why the $60,000 Ferrari isn’t selling on Craigslist:

I’ve never been good at these kinds of open-ended games, but this seems stupid to me. First, how are you supposed to know when the word starts and stops? Second, each “letter” code has different quantities of dashes (from 3 to 5). Their first hint was “R”? No wonder no one cares.

Ford sells over a million trucks per year. It is blatantly obvious that they’re building trucks people want to buy. What you want will never happen for the price you demand with today’s safety regulations. Ever.

The way I’ve been living isn’t sustainable, let’s be real.

Five years of great fun, though! Definitely lived the dream buying every car I ever wanted (I know, I have cheap taste), road-tripping, wrenching, etc etc.

But I’m gonna reel it in just a bit.

Junior ain’t Senior

And it gets dimmer as you get older...

My dad’s wrenching hack was a vise and hacksaw. Can’t fit a wrench somewhere weird stick in in the vise, bend it to some angle that might work and cut off parts that are in the way. Then go to a store “later” to replace the wrench. I got his tools, for some reason 1/2" box end wrenches took his modifications more than

But never buy Harbor Freight jackstands

Never buy jack stands from Harbor Freight.

6. Buy a headlamp

When trying to reassemble something in super tight quarters, tape the nut to the wrench and use the skinniness of the wrench to fanagle the nut into place.

Use the wheel you just took off as an emergency jack stand in a pinch.