
They’re beautiful, but not so beautiful that people who buy on looks alone have to have one.

Never in a million years will I touch Linux again. 

Yeah that’s because you had the one thing middle school and high school kids have in abundance- endless free time. I work long hours and have young kids - virtually no free time. And why exactly should I say invest my scarce free time in learning to code?  

Ubuntu, back when people were saying it was “user friendly” and “a reasonable choice for normal consumers.”  Guess what those statements turned out to be low down dirty lies from the pit of hell. 

I’m not trying to call you out, but it just seems that “learn to code” is just almost insultingly impractical advice for the majority of people. People are just trying to live their lives, my man. It’s insane to expect someone who doesn’t necessarily have the will, desire, or frankly aptitude to acquire an extremely

Brother, I learned that one the hard way!

That’s funny, when something breaks every millennial I know just finds a how-to video on you-tube, orders the part on Amazon and fixes it themselves, while their boomer fathers complain about how “you can’t fix anything anymore because everything is too complex”.

Ha, yeah. Been there done that. Someone on the internet says something is “fairly simple” and “shouldn’t be that hard”. Next thing I know, I’m spending all my free time on an all-consuming hobby that I hate and didn’t ask for JUST TO GET GODDAMN LINUX TO GODDAMN FIND THE GODDAMN DVD-BURNER ON THIS GODDAMN PIECE OF

I know what you mean. To me, the earlier records sounded like the result of a bunch of guys jamming in a room. The new record sounds like a bunch of guys who probably don’t even live in the same state assembling songs piecemeal by emailing snippets to each other.

Absolutely! 10,000 Days is incredible. Especially the songs about Maynard’s mother which for me are some of the most powerful and moving songs ever recorded.

Hey, I totally get its a “me” problem, not a “Tool” problem. Maybe I grew out of Tool. Maybe I’m depressed, I’m pretty sure “no longer finding pleasure in things you once enjoyed” is a symptom of, well, something. Who the hell knows.

Yeah, but Pushit was the longest song on that album. When you have one long song on an album, it is that album’s centerpiece, and all the other songs build up to it or provide resolution after. That’s why Aenima worked so well, I even liked the interludes because they were sort of comic relief in the proceedings.

I love Tool and all but whoever told them their 10+ minute epics are great and they should make a whole album out of them needs a kick in the butt.  Brevity is the soul of wit, this is why punk happend, etc.

There’s a museum in my town that has an early VW Beetle as part of a display on life in the 50s. My kids are endlessly fascinated by it. It is so far removed from what they experience on a daily basis they hardly even recognize it as a car. You’re right, that will happen someday to 80s econoboxes too, and probably a

This guy gets it!

Either way, this is for the emascualted rich men who only have their money to lord over the red sweaty dads looking like thumbs with goatees

Sadly, no. Modern trucks all look like this:

1 fine, you got me, “odd angles” then as opposed to say right angles

Come now, this is at least Sega Saturn/early PS1 level, but, yeah! I loved the Sega Saturn!

Baby steps, my friend.  Give me all the weird angles and stainless steel.  I love it.