
I used to drink a lot of Rolling Rock way back when. It wasn’t good, exactly, but it was cheap and familiar.

At my college, Natty was ubiquitous and, I agree, terrible. I distinctly remember going to Keystone light parties and sincerely point out they had “the good stuff”.

*Pardon me, I speak brain-damaged-football-player*

Damn, I never new Lithuania was in da motherfucking Sharez0ne

This is a theoretically cool car, but looses big points because it requires extensive explanation to anyone that doesn’t know a LOT about German tuners. And we all know there’s nothing quite like some enthusiast weirdo pigeonholing you to say why their rare niche interest is cool.

I kinda prefer the two word form of “ass hole”.  Seems more emphatic somehow.

When I was a kid fascist jerk offs would kick your ass for liking soccer.

You can find it at “the roller coaster Shambhala in a Barcelona theme park”.  Hope that clears things up for you

My dad and I used to go to a lot of classic rock shows. One time, we got tickets to see Joe Walsh, and when we got there it turned out he was playing at a CB radio convention. He started the show by telling everyone his CB radio handle and everything. So there’s one...


Just a humble suggestion from a guy that I think has similar music tastes as you:

You’re totally right. Clubs are the best place to see rap period. I’d rather see a washed-up rapper in a club than a mega-star in a hockey arena.

Deserve, maybe, but if I had all those millions of dollars I couldn’t possibly give less of a shit about winning trophies. If I was a millionaire, I would basically not have feelings any more at all. It would be great.

Now playing

LOL, check out the art on the walls @ 22:19.

No kidding. He has to clear out and take a photo after each weld. All the pics of the templates slowly sliding into place. The pics of trimmed metal pieces bending back and forth before snapping off. Just the photography alone must have taken ages.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  So?

“Support artists” is a good takeaway.

I get that this is notable because the team is so old, but is this really a rare occurrence? This team is in the fourth-tier league. At least in the US, minor league teams fold all the time, especially at the really low level.  This is like if some single-A team in Pensacola went belly-up.

I agree with you. Young people are not angry and confused. They just don’t care that much. These things are barriers though and when you don’t care that much any barrier will turn lots of people away.