
Sir, this is a sports website.

Do you... work... for

Fine you’re right the model is working perfectly.

It’s not rocket science. Fewer people are attending games. Fewer people are watching games on TV. Cord cutting is on the rise, especially with millenials. People will watch baseball if its cheap or free and easy. Fans that are in the habit of watching games on TV become fans that will actually attend live games.  But

TBF, comedians talk endless shit about comedy clubs, too.

Not that Orlando is all that or anything, but Pete Davidson is an adult. He’s not required to go anywhere he doesn’t want to be. He can spend the rest of his life smoking weed in NYC if he wants (he probably will).

“Stupid millennials! Why won’t you pay to subscribe to a streaming service dedicated to a sport you only kinda care about!”

I still subscribe to MLB.TV

Haha, that’s probably how my parents felt when I “discovered” Cheers, MASH, and Taxi reruns in the 90s!

it’s like Seinfeld reruns to the under-30 crowd

Haha, yeah. I went back to my college for homecoming once maybe 4-5 years after I graduated and swung by my old frathouse. It was fine, everybody was cool and welcoming. But I immediately felt my age. I decided then and there I would never be back.

Among other reasons, I’m guessing their insurance requires them to test for drugs.

What can I say, it works for me.  I’m not particularly concerned with authenticity.

Wet sand the writing off of the doors

I broke my finger smashing NP on this one.  It’s perfect, like a goddamn work of art.

Super heroes in general are so powerful that they had to invent super villain to give them challenges. The good news is they’re fictional. The author can solve balance issues by having a bystander exclaim, “great Scott, they’re evenly matched!” It’s all kinda stupid when you think about it.


I’ll say two things in support of Jurassic Park 2 Lost World:

If you’re not careful you might find yourself in a coma at a Nevada brothel like Lamar Odom.

The best boat-car hybrid possible (outside of James Bond’s Lotus) is never going to be anything but a bad car combined with a bad boat. Just buy a good car and a good boat separately.