
I don’t remember the Ford museum addressing all the many skeleton’s in his closet, but TBF, the Ford museum is basically a museum to a hodgepodge of industrial, agricultural, and Americana stuff.  It’s not so much a museum about Ford himself.  The museum isn’t necessarily trying to tell you Ford was a great guy or

I unabashedly love the Ford museum. But you have to accept a certain portion of it (outside the industrial stuff) can only be described as “carney bullshit”.  Don’t bother fact checking.

They have several presidential limos, too (Lincolns, naturally, before they switched to Caddies). You walk down a long row of presidential Limos and then whammo you’re hit with Kennedy’s death limo.

Shame only goes so far, though. The olympics is one thing, FIBA is something else.  I’m pretty sure the Men’s National Basketball team isn’t paid outside of expenses and whatnot. So they’re asking pros to uproot their lives and spend several weeks of their off-season overseas risking injury all to compete in a

The AV Club editor (if there is one) must really be on vacation this week. It’s been a bad one for painfully obvious typos that no one even bothers to fix hours after the fact.

Not sure who “Elton John” is, but that is clearly Ernest Borgnine. Can’t explain the glasses, though. Must be a prank.

Here’s a used 2003 postal vehicle, current bid $500, and more importantly for a brewery, IT HAS A MOTHER FUCKING LIFTGATE!

You and I have just about the same taste in music. Especially Springsteen, man that is one musician I will just never get into.  His music is like nails on the chalkboard to me.

Lol, the Eagles suck ass. It’s a fact.

They were great cars, too.  Dad had an ‘85 and it was still going strong with 300,000 miles on the ODO when he sold it.

I took the kids to see the new Lion King this weekend. My three year old loved it, she shouted “I LOVE THIS MOVIE!” as soon as the credits rolled. Seven year old liked it well enough.

Christ, you can clear formulae in like 2 seconds in Excel - Copy -> Paste (values only). There’s probably a dozen other more elegant ways to do it if you’re a power user.

The musical CATS was batshit crazy. What’s crazy about it, you ask? Every goddamn thing, that’s what. Everything Andrew Lloyd Weber did was batshit crazy. This movie being batshit crazy is the logical next step.

Ha, maybe so. Honestly, every time I come back from a big city I do think it kinda sucks that we don’t have any usable mass transit to speak of, but still. Columbus is nice in its own right. Why can’t we just like it for what is instead of constantly comparing to other places? You know what, you’re right, the constant

Well, TBF you’re linking to Columbus Underground, which is a site run by a handful of obnoxious, millennial cranks who think Columbus is one light-rail line away from being NYC.

Honestly channel surfing is a pain in the ass now. On my cable, local channels are low single or double digits. Your TBS type channels are at like 180 or something. I couldn’t begin to tell you what channel Comedy Central or MTV are, and once upon a time I lived and died by those channels. My mlb games are on 661-1

I like streaming but I hear you. Another thing that’s going away that’s kind of a shame is just picking up a new show at whatever episode comes on next Tuesday night. Starting a show from the beginning and slogging through every episode in order turns fun mindless tv watching into a chore.

Have you been to a Burger King or White Castle?  It’s not hipsters, I assure you.


They’d still have to find another owner willing to bet the contract’s language stipulates that it is immediately null and void if the club misses payroll or can’t provide hot showers. Maybe the contract is written is ways that are not favorable to the players and coaches.