
Absolutely. “James Bond” is a generalized concept in the gestalt sense more than a concrete character. He will live forever because it is amenable to endless riffing and variations on the theme.

Christ.  Well thanks for nothing then.

Well I am straight so take this with a grain of salt but I thought the entirety of Bash’s character was “oblivious rich dipshit”.

I’m sure, but care to give us the “too long; didn’t listen”?

I love this. Also, no dugouts. Everyone has to stand at the foul lines like in football.

It’s not possible to know where the netting ends when you’re buying the tickets unless you’re intimately familiar with the stadium.

Dumbass. That’s why the cheap seats are always behind home plate, right? Because no one wants to look through a net, right? Growing up, my grandpa always got baller seats behind home (second row, just behind the pitching assistant who radar gunned every pitch) and I tell you it fucking rules. Literally no one cares

Well necessity is the mother of invention. And let’s be real, they’re in like packs of ten for five dollars. You can afford to lose one or two in the event of say a hiking emergency or whatever.

That is known as “the incident” and we don’t speak of it.

The word for that is chivalry.

Don’t be such a dramatic baby.

This is both horrifying and validating.

RE: “miracle napkin-tissue-paper towel product” 

If you have any kind of regular sex life changing sheets weekly is the absolute minimum.  Things get bad quick. 

Same here.  I get that it would be pretty cheap to do it all the time.  But she did it maybe once with the Freys?  At least one other time to take out a high value target would have been fun.

One of my dad’s cardinal car rules is never own a German car out-of-warranty.

In the NFL, the rookies pay for the vets.  Especially fucked considering the average NFL career is about 3 years.

Evidently!  The weird thing is I’m a hard-g “gif” person, so it would stand to reason that I would say “gurm”, but no, I’m a “germ”.  People are just full of contradictions, I guess.

I always read it “germ”