
I was just let down that the series spent it’s entire run talking up the white walkers as a huge existential threat to humanity itself, from the very first scene of the series, to the climax of the last episode of last season with the Night King bringing down the wall.

I’m sorry to hear about your sex life.

Oh, absolutely.  You and I both have issues with this study, just for different reasons!

SF is just a uniquely insane, and insanely expensive place. Using that as the basis for a study on cost implies to me a bad actor stacking the deck to find a predetermined result.  I can’t even take this study seriously long enough to criticize it for that reason.

God, king, whatever

I agree except Jon dies because the “Red King has no further use” for him.

I’ll be honest, I’m on the bar’s side here.  That’s a pretty fucked up thing to say to someone.

The “crowd standing up for the person” is what makes me not believe this story at all. Like he’s fucking Spartacus.

I don’t understand how the last two seasons felt so rushed.  They did all of LOTR in 9 hours, and those movies feel long as fuck.  They had plenty of time to pace it appropriately!

My prediction - episode begins 5 years later. The seven kingdoms have broken up into seven, independent kingdoms and descend into a never-ending cycle of petty regional conflicts. Dany is long dead, having been stabbed in the back by a 12 year old squier like Omar in the Wire. The king/queen on the iron throne is

Haha, wow, as someone who’s been in a monogamous relationship for 16 years modern dating sounds like a futuristic, sexy dystopia.

They’re all “Street Fighters” in the sense that all Nightmare on Elm Street movies are “Freddies”. In other words, an informal, collective name for a large but discrete class.

They had that at a little arcade at the swimming pool we went to growing up. It was the most popular machine.  Watching the girls excitedly playing that game was, uh, formative.

Speaking of Rush, I hung gutters one summer off of college with some tool who was way into Rush Limbaugh.  That was a goddamn nightmare.

*Norm MacDonald voice*

I agree.  Let that sink in.


I understand the student debt argument, but who the hell keeps telling these kids that spending $50k per year to some tiny private school for some bullshit degree is a good investment?

“If your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”