
Is this person’s profession compensated in a way that relies on tips to make it a livable wage?

The tabs loosen and break up everything but you still have to get in there with a brush or a paper towel or something to wipe everything out.

No, I haven’t, but to be fair there are probably lots of different brands and materials.  I don’t really know anything about the one I got from my dentist, but I haven’t had issues.

I use denture tabs to clean mine every day, which is necessary because they are truly disgusting after a night of being repeatedly coated with slimey saliva.

Haha, the number 11 is bad, I’ll give you that!

Sometimes, when shopping with my wife, she’ll pick up a shirt or whatever and say it looks great, then pick up another and declare it “hideous”, and I’m honestly just baffled. They all usually look fine to me, and I don’t ever see the big difference that makes one good and the other terrible.

I’m going to say something not often said at Jalopnik - Chevy is better.

Why not?  The Cubs won the world series a couple years ago so anything’s possible.

My opinion is Marvel movies have a high floor but a low ceiling. They’re usually pretty good entertainment and fun popcorn movies, but there will never be a superhero movie that is truly a “good movie” because, at the end of the day, superheros are just kinda dumb.  But that’s ok!  They don’t need to be something

Yeah, I’m an 80s/90s kid, and the only supers I remember any one caring about were Batman, Superman, Wolverine and some of the Lesser X-Men. Maybe the Hulk and the Punisher. Ironman wasn’t on the radar. And Captain America was a joke.

the release of his book, Things That Make White People Uncomfortable

Now playing

*Very zen voice* Don’t just have a bottle opener, BE the bottle opener:

*Very zen voice* Don’t just have a bottle opener, BE the bottle opener:

Hey, as a Jackets fan, thanks but this is pretty much par for the course. Expectations are always nice and low around here, and nobody honestly thought this was a cup team. How the team played in March was a fun surprise.

Drag shows are an onion of different issues layered on top of each other.

Man, that map has you at an average speed of 55 MPH.  That seems unlikely/terrifying in that Jeep.

Interesting to think of artists that you like and respect but are not necessarily enthused about their new stuff. For me:


Thanos as George Costanza

Ha, yeah, you’re probably right.  I only saw the last one because it was on Netflix and I like to watch action stuff on the treadmill.  It was my first MCU movie since I think the first Iron Man.

Buddy, we’re all here.  None of us are righteous.