
Lol I'm genuinely curious how you found this article since you don't seem like the type to be interested in a general sports blog 

Superior alternative suffixes include -ghazi and -did9/11

I would call this a story of domestic violence, not a bar fight, but I’m sorry for your loss just the same.

I’m 36 and I don’t know a single name here:

Ask the next ten sports fans you meet if they can name any current world champion (any weight class, any boxing association). Then ask if they know who won the superbowl or the NBA finals last year.

Carve this response on Mt Rushmore.  Right next to it, “no, I do not consent to you searching my car”.

Language evolves over time and words change their meanings.

Arena games are a hoot though. Those leagues troubles are due to old fashioned incompetent leadership and competing with the NFL in some way. A minor league under the auspices and with the support of the NFL would be a juggernaut.

Yeah but in the minors, they're the local lovable losers and no one cares that much 

Better yet, we’d get minor league football!

Maybe part of my problem is I’m never enthusiastic about having a white russian. I’ll maybe have one if I’m low on other stuff and just happen to have vodka, dairy, and kahlua around. It’s an “I need to go to the store” cocktail.

Coming in hot with this one...

I had a Big Lebowski phase and I really tried to enjoy White Russians and it’s variants over the years (Black Russians, Caucasions, etc.), but I just don’t think it’s that great of a drink.

You mean the guy who doesn’t know how to drink certain kinds of booze?

Nowhere to go but up, right?

Oh, absolutely.


It could be a neck injury AND a concussion.  A kick to the face is certainly enough to do either or both.  That’s why you wait for a professional to move someone.

“Dr. Dre! Great to meet you! We’re all big fans of your name and how many people recognize you!”