
Plus we need immigrants to work our shitty ag and manufacturing jobs that White people refuse to do the capital class refuses to pay a living wage for

Just chiming in to add that most regular table salt is iodized. The iodine does make the salt taste somewhat different from kosher/sea/whatever salt. Most of the time it’s not really noticeable but sometimes the iodine flavor seems to pop out.

When my hometown got it’s first Burger King, there was literally a line going around the block for a whole weekend.

I went to a wedding in Baltimore like 7 years ago and now I have three unopened jars of Old Bay in the cupboard. If you’re from out of town I swear everybody wants to give you some Old Bay.

Hey maybe so, I haven’t encountered it personally but then again I can’t remember the last time I’ve talked to anyone about ER. The idea of a rabid pro-ER community is just funny to me! Most liberals I know are pretty comfortable knowing the things they liked 20-25+ years ago are problematic in some way.

Ah yes that famous community of liberals that definitely exists willing to battle over the good name of fucking ER.

I would honestly respect a celebrity that issued one of these statement saying “I was BOFA’d so hard I have to delete my Twitter”.

I agree.  I always go into it thinking 1+1 will be 2 or even 3 but it ends up being around 1.5.  I’d rather have a stiff drink and ice cream separately.

I’m related to Sir Francis Drake on my dad’s side. He is known to history as a “privateer”, but was basically a pirate who engaged in literal massacres of unarmed civilians.

This, but unironically.

Hahahaha, ScarJo gives no fucks and always comes out clean. Whatever her PR person makes, they deserve a raise

I remember that it sucked! Seriously though, we got the DVD from Redbox and quit about 20 minutes in. What I remember is all the coeds gushing about how brilliant Joaquin Phoenix is after spending exactly one (1) hour in his freshman intro to English class while he’s drunk off his ass.

Yeah, it’s surprising they’re calling out the actors from this movie, but no one is calling out the many, many actors who worked with him since the allegations became public, including (just off the top of my head):

Yeesh, of course she is.

Even better, eat a vanilla and a regular tootsie roll at the same time.

The obvious answer is this guy was just bullshitting LW and he had LW going hook, line, and sinker. This is like the kind of shit by grandpa’s VFW buddies would try to pull on me when I was like 7.

His recent Comedy Bang Bang appearance was an amazing train wreck. They were evidently recording after hours to accommodate MIB’s schedule. He is way late and finally shows up like an hour into the podcast.  Scott explodes with rage when he finds out MIB is promoting, like, a three date tour in tiny clubs.

Dirtbag from the midwest rustbelt here, can confirm. I also remember many fools in the 90s starting conversations with “I don’t like rap, except ICP”.

They’re also pejorative terms that were obviously made up by people who dislike the genre. It’s always been weird to me that the very name of those genres insults the genre itself.