
Honestly, between the main books, WOIAF, the upcoming Fire and Blood books, etc., I’ve had enough Targ material.

That’s great to hear.  That POV sure seems to be in the minority at this point, though.  I hope it spreads.

People who are less intelligent than others.  You can straight up say “I hate stupid people” and no one bats an eyelash.

It’s a little surprising Cohen still finds marks. Even with a pound of makeup and facial prosthetics there is just something so characteristically him about all his characters. It’s something about the way he sits, leans forward while waiting for an answer, nods his head. Hell, he even said “MY WIFE” at one point in

I’d eat the hell out of that naan pizza but homemade crust isn’t too hard. There are only like four ingredients.

Lol, they really do that?  I haven’t watched Comedy Central in years.

I bet he went to one of those “hydration” lounges that have been popping up. It’s a trendy thing that he probably did on a spur of the moment whim after hearing about if from some other lunkheads at the gym. I think those places are staffed by nurse practitioners at best.  Probably zero oversight by his docs or Team


Sounds fun, sign me up.

I mean, I’m a big ol lefty but if you’re starting fires in a crowded public place the police should probably give you a stern talking-to.

The answer has either got to be a) the copper industry, or b) AARP types who want to keep the penny for nostalgia reasons.

I know what you mean. I had a full on existential crisis when we were cleaning out a relative’s house and I realized that, one day, almost everything I own would end up in a dumpster.

Lol, no kidding, man, in the movie Sonny’s wife is implied to be talking about how big Sonny’s dick is.

But where’s the sport in that?

I would only order an egg white cocktail at a bar I really trust with a bartender I really hate.

Yeah and, I’m sorry, but if you’re making a typical modern James Bond-style martini you’re using vodka and a homeopathic amount of vermouth, so you’ll end up with practically the same ice-cold, flavorless drink with an olive floating in it no matter how you mix it.

Lol, Fuller House was dismal.  I don’t know what I was expecting, though, it’s not like the original was the Sopranos or anything.  Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

Nobody cares and I know I’m hollering into the void here, but old-school DVD Netflix still exists and they have just about everything.