
Eddie, the only place in the article where the word “pounds” appears is the passage that is a literal transcription from the Marcos Engineering promotional materials that were distributed at a London car show, presumably written by a Brit for a Brit audience.

I remember Jon Stewart calling that movie I Breast What You Boob Last Hooter.

On the other hand, weed has been known to impair judgement.

So this is a dumb game but whenever we hear “Can’t Stop Me Now” my wife and I end up hollaring “LIKE LADY GODIVA” at random times the rest of the day.

Well consider my disbelief suspended!

Corollary - anything said while noticeably intoxicated. 

Stop arguing!  You’re both right!

Looks like grandpa had trouble with the food court ketchup dispenser during his mall walk.

It took eight months to come up with that mealy-mouthed nonsense?

I would never turn one down 

What is gained by going out of their way to show a different header photo to illustrate the point of traffic?

Oh, I don’t disagree that’s how the system is currently set up, I just think its wrong. Keep in mind, this is a beer with buddies argument, I’m not lobbying the government or anything.

Thank you for your opinion. I don’t want to engage because I don’t think you have any intention to discuss this in good faith but I will say this:

Any day, my friend!

Jesus Christ. It’s more that the framing of “driving is a privilege” is all wrong. A “privilege” is something granted by the benevolence of the state. A right is something we are born with. We allegedly live in a free society, with the right to travel, and guess what, in most of the country if you want to travel you

They do in Journalism. Journalists have a duty to be factual, accurate, and objective. An inaccurate photo on an article is bad for the same reason an inaccurate headline is bad, or an article lead that mischaracterizes the actual events is bad. Every element of an article matters.

I mean, that’s beautiful, but a little tone deaf to be boasting likes this on an article about the heel of the state crushing the poor.

Absolutely. Give me exactly one beer and I’ll make a loud, obnoxious argument that it’s not a privilege but a GODDAMN HUMAN RIGHT. Maybe I don’t even need that one beer.

Yes. There is a reason for the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

So, uh, what’d you think? Does the show still work this far removed from 9/11?