
Fuck you.

The Jim Brown example is silly. He played in an era when, if you were a star player at a school, they’d play you in as many sports as they could. I doubt he had any great love of lacrosse other than how your typical hyper-competitive elite athlete just loves to complete and play sports in general.

What’s your location? I’ve looked into it around here (central Ohio, USA, not exactly NYC but it is a metro area of 2 million people) and there are no manual driving instructors available. No way to rent one either outside of high dollar exotic clubs. Pretty much your only option is to buy a manual car and learn

I’m not but that is opinion is from a week ago. The statute of limitations on challenging has expired so the opinion stands.

Godfather 3 would be just about any other director’s best movie.

“Did you parents happen to own a manual transmission car when you were learning to drive?”

Exactly. Cocktail mixes have their place, and that place is vacations, tailgates, and other places where you don’t have the home field advantage.

We went to St. Lucia on our honeymoon and had a similar experience I barely remember.

No to mention a ready (if not willing) source of real human teeth for his dentures

Pre-bankruptcy so we’re talking pre 2008 financial crisis here. Late 90s to early 2000s GM cars were dismal Cadillac included

Gibson today is kind of like Cadillac was (maybe still is) before GM’s bankruptcy. There was a time when the name represented the go-to for top of the line, high quality. But today, there are so many great guitars at there, at all price points. Honestly, it’s not at all hard to buy a great guitar for many hundreds

My friend, what you just wrote makes sense to you because YOU KNOW HOW TO PARALLEL PARK. To someone who doesn’t already know, that explanation sounds like Charlie Brown’s teacher. I’ve said basically exactly what you just said to numerous people to basically blank looks in response. I might as well be explaining the


Parallel parking is easy to do if you know how to do it. It’s impossible to explain though. If you want to teach someone to parallel park, show them once and then rent them an apartment downtown for a year. After 100 tries it will sink in.

Someone should tell Highsmith that that’s the sort of opinion you should just keep to yourself.

A man’s reach should exceed his grasp.

I don’t know, I figured what the hell? I’m an open-minded guy. Plus I like the occasional action movie, like to see shit go boom, etc. There seems to be more buzz about this movie than the typical hero movie. I thought I may as well see what all the hype is about.

Dude I’m so far behind on pop culture stuff. Right now I’m working through season 4 of the Sopranos.

Hey, fair enough. I’m honestly good with that too.

Well, yeah, I suppose that’s accurate. That’s kind of my point, is there really 18 movies worth of shit you need to know or can I just go into it like any other popcorn movie and know what’s going on. I’m obviously not invested in these characters. I just want to see fights and explosions and whatnot.