
For that matter, how is Batman v. Superman even a reasonable fight? Superman is basically a god and Batman is a regular dude with gadgets. I guess he must have a really fancy gadget.

That was a pretty fun game! The puzzles were really challenging and it had a great, creepy atmosphere. I bet it holds up today.

How so?

I know, right? What’s the problem here?

Are average people genuinely that stupid

*Ties onion on belt*

Not for me. That vastness is the problem. I take one look in a comic shop and “nope” the hell out. I’m like “bitch, I have a job”.

I hear you, man. We’re about the same age, and I don’t know, but for me the show doesn’t hold up. Something about the pacing or joke delivery just doesn’t work for me like it did 20 years ago. Maybe time has passed it by.

My theory is there are certain pop culture things that you have to get into at a certain, narrow young age or it’ll just never click for you. I think Frank Zappa is one of those things like Monty Python, Anime, comic books, certain genres of metal, etc., that you have to get into as a certain kind of 14 year old. I

Ha, I always forget about that one


It’s a theory you can apply to just about any on-screen death that doesn’t involve brutal dismemberment or a Sonny Corelone-type hail of gunfire.

He should make an exception and do a movie where a bunch of ladies get revenge against a Harvey Weinstein type.

Also, more RZA.

Haha believe me, I know the feeling

That’s why the Bible is such a good value. It’s like 66 books in one.

“Today, on the Cool But Useless channel...”

Different Drew.

They should replace all this with the Clarissa Explains it All riff when Sam comes in the window.
