
The word "cretin" is obviously a terrible thing to call someone today, but it's origin is the French word for "Christian". The idea is that someone is still a "Christian", meaning a worthwhile human being with a soul despite their physical or mental disabilities. I always thought that was a nice way of thinking

Sooner or later, evolving euphemisms make a Larry David out of all of us.

I got caught by the Oriental thing, too. I was in college, and people were talking about someone who lived in a dorm down the hall, and I'm like, "oh you mean the oriental guy?"

Lol, I thought you were objecting to the word festival. I'm not touching the true punk argument with a ten foot poll. I value my sanity.

Is this one of those "it's not tv, it's HBO" situations?


He's still playing daytime sets at a music festival's second or third stage in his 60s-70s. That guy is broke as hell.

The problem is too many bands put the "social movement" part WAY in front of the musical part.

Dump a case of beer, a handle of vodka, and a tub of Country Time lemonade in a container and you've got yourself a frat party baby.

I hear you, man. I appreciate that people are taking cocktails more seriously these days, but most crafty cocktails I've tried just don't do much for me.

I have, but it was at a hipster bar far away from New Orleans, and they obviously read about doing it that way in a book or something. It struck me as an affectation, in other words.

Sometimes I will consider making a cocktail that requires fiddling around with tiny drops of bitters or "muddling", but I end up saying fuck it and make another gin and tonic or bourbon on the rocks.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, as a music fan the joy of being young is discovering cool shit that came out years before. The joy of being old is discovering new shit from bands you used to love that you completely missed while parenting or whatever.

I'm not an Arby's stan or anything, but I think it's basically fine. Not any better or worse than any other run of the mill fast food joint.

In a way, there is a little Frank Underwood in all of us.

House of Cards is a good twitter show, meaning its something reasonably entertaining to have on and 20-30% watch while scrolling through twitter, drinking a beer, etc.

You're 100% right, good thing he didn't plagiarize the work he's being awarded for.

He didn't plagiarize the songs, though! He's not getting a nobel for writing speeches.

Having a hard time getting mad about this. Even if this is true, so what? Where's the harm? I get that plagiarism is a big deal in academia and publishing but this is neither. To me, this falls in the category of "humorous anecdote" rather than "controversy".

Seriously though, I think a stationary bike fuck machine was a mcguffin in one of the lesser Coen Brothers movies.