
It’s either total BS asset protection or he was abusive and this was the first time she thought she could get out alive. Or a little of column a, a little of column b. The domestic abuse rates with cops is...well it should be shocking, but it’s exactly what’s you’d expect.

I’m similarly confused, but I’m leaning towards visiting the other GMG sites for now.  My hope is that it gives the union a bludgeon in case it comes in handy.  If not...I dunno, I guess I'll start reading books or something?

Fleabag is one of those shows where the whole time my wife and I kept wondering around "is this the best thing I've ever seen?  This might be the best thing I've ever seen"

Jason’s dad sounds like a smart dude.  People really underestimate how much fun it is to watch a game you know your team is gonna win.

I’m guessing it’s only 2 weeks before the season because there Colts talked him into giving it a go and seeing how he felt. It sounded like he was transparent with the team, so he's catching this because he didn't tell them to piss off a few months ago.

This is so cool! One contribution, the nuckelavee, it’s like a skinless demon horse with a human zombie growing out of the middle of it’s back that lives in the sea and it’ll drown you if you see it. But wendigos are the scariest of them all.

This is a lot of info that certainly undercuts the “rich kid gets away with all sorts of f’ed up stuff” narrative, but those points don’t add up to much. Growing up I knew lots of kids with the sort of parents that made me appreciate mine, and a lot of them went to therapy. My buddy who got away smoking weed in the

So you don’t like overreactions, and putting up nets between drunk people and very fast projectiles is conceptually similar to wrapping one’s self in bubble wrap?

Yeah, there was a ton riding in the final matches this year, Mönchengladbach had an outside shot at making the Champions League, while the final matches for Eintracht was the difference between Europa Qualifying (which they got) and Europa Group Stage.

Frankl-y I think it’ll Rank with his fondest memories

I get what the law is, but seems silly that there's civil liability.  Criminal liability I can appreciate, businesses have to be responsible for how they contribute to the community.  But civil liability reeks of attorneys lobbying for bad laws that happen to be good for business.

Ghost was another one. He was temporarily felled by the ancient enemy of the direwolf - the showrunner’s unflappable belief that, regardless of how big their CGI budge gets, they’ll never have “make that dog seem a little bigger” money.

When the first wight laid down on the fire after standing there motionless for 10 minutes, I was jealous. They had a stationary target of a brainless and very flammable meat sack for what felt like hours, and with two dragons they they took out precisely zero of them.

Everclear wasn't that popular when that one came out.  You'd be taking home So Much for the Afterglow.

Just want to point out that turkey vultures are the best. The first airplanes were modeled after turkey vultures because they almost never flap their wings while flying, they’re a pure carrion bird (a number of vultures are opportunistic hunters), their main self-defense mechanism is puking (their stomach acid is

I'm a part of a small, somewhat esoteric pagan faith group and we do have a festival celebrating midsummer, but let me assure you any ritualistic human sacrifice in years past was purely coincidental.

The original Wicker Man is quite possibly my favorite movie. The Nicholas Cage one is funny, but the original is actually fantastic.

The Italian sausage is fantastic

One of my best friends in high school left the country after going to college in New York. He came into town this summer, and so I got tickets for us to take my son to a game. It was my buddy’s first exposure to the new stuff, and you could see a little part of him die as he asked “”
