
What is it with douchebags not wanting to wear masks. I just read this story about the governor of Nebraska withholding relief money:

Likely IMO. Or his ass was beating or berating her on a daily basis and this widescale infamy finally broke her. This Karen or Becky is protecting her image too. It’s what they do.

I don’t think I clicked on a Deadspin article more than maybe 5 times a year, but Jezebel, The Root, Lifehacker, and The Takeout are daily for me. And you’ve pointed out a question I have too. Do we show solidarity with the Deadspin journalists by fleeing the other affiliated sites, or does that just really screw over

That Andy Dalton Feeling

It’s a strange and sad fact of how sports works in this moment that the number of people who cared about poor Andy

You beat me to it, was about to post the same thing. I laughed my ass off when I saw that. :)

Shit is getting real, isn’t it?

Would like to take this opportunity to applaud the decision to link out to as many great non-sports stories as possible today:

Man, I love people who self-own through being hilariously inept. You know, pumpkin thieves, thin-skinned vulture capitalist owners of blog sites, those kinds of folks.

uh.... can you email me about this? 

This is an intense and well-written story, the exact type of stuff that nobody but Deadspin is doing.

Yeah, but where were they possibly going to find a high school coach in Texas who HASN’T been caught covering up massive sexual assault allegations?

I meant this as a joke, but as I typed it out I remembered that a coach in my hometown hit-and-ran and killed a black mother and her daughter and then only got probation. 

It’s simple. If you don’t give FailKids professional sports teams, then they run for office. Let them run teams into the ground; then that’ll keep them occupied and you don’t end up President Dean Spanos.

The Clippers?  Why would they be playing against New England?” 

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. A gajillion times yes.

Pats Fans at 7AM: Those texts weren’t that threatening! It was hyperbole! What’s the big deal?

this is the NFL. He may take some time off but he’ll play again.

I’d like to thank you all for your support. This has now surpassed my previous high-star comment by a couple hundred. I feel like a celebrity.

For much of my life after a good joke, I’ve wondered if I HAD to suppress a laugh for decorum or to save a life, could I do it? Surely yes, right? I read this comment (stupidly) during a lull in a very important meeting with senior executives. I bit my lip, dabbed tears from my eyes and made every attempt to control

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”