
I’m pretty sure Laura K. Dale DOES deal with being who she is, all she did was remark that some people decided to go that route just to be nasty. It isn’t like she went all woe is me, just mentioned that on top of being accused of being a hoaxer and whatever else the frenzied chimps that gamers are these days thought

And this right here is what pisses me the fuck off about our parenting culture in America. Parents (well, mostly mothers) are expected to be able to fill every single need for their children single-handedly. A parent is expected to be a caretaker, teacher, cook, laundress, cleaner, food source, and crafter-in-chief.

I don’t find the title to be misleading at all. This is what abortion is.

sometimes when I walk home, i go in an overpass, and if its starting to get dark out, and I’m wearing enough layers so my breasts aren’t obvious, women i’m behind will start walking faster, because they think i’m a man. I mean, my head *is* buzzed. I don’t get offended, because I get it, but still, it does mean these

Real question I have about transphobic bathroom residents, and also people who scream about people on welfare buying steaks with food stamps: who the fuck is paying THAT MUCH attention to the other people around them? I can’t remember the last time I made eye contact with a stranger in a bathroom let alone debated

I’m so glad I live in SF, because I am a very very butch woman, and I am constantly worried that “concerned citizens” might see me in a ladies room and flip out on my ass. I think I can cross off the entirety of the deep south off of any future travel itineraries.

That base one is 5 classes a month??? I get unlimited classes at the Y (and they have a fine selection) for my part of a 70 dollar family membership. Plus various sports classes for my kids. 5 classes?

So basically “people are gonna bitch either way, so just as well cast whites in all the roles anyway!” is what you’re saying.

As someone who participated in the outcry against the whitewashing of GitS, I can honestly say that Tilda Swinton’s casting didn’t bother me much at all. This is mostly just a personal thing, because I always get the impression that when Tilda Swinton plays a magical character, she’s playing a non-human, androgynous

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The real reason was revealed by Robert Cargill over on Double Toasted...

The societal issue here isn’t that some people are total abusive assholes—it’s that women aren’t trusted to report their own experiences.

Get the fuck outta here with your #notallmen apologia. The reason why a minority of men can get away with such spectactularly bad behavior is that the rest of us participate in power structures that ensure that they don’t suffer any consequences for it. Nobody gets a pass for not being actively sexist in a patriarchal

I mean, it may be a minority but I think it’s a lot of men. Just going by how I get treated walking down the street everyday. The silent majority of men should check their friends who say gross shit to women (37 weeks pregnant and the harassment has gotten really disturbing. There’s something really ironic about

And honestly, what I don’t get is — it really *isn’t* an identical story? Abrams plays with a lot of the same framework and plot beats and whatnot, but in terms of its core themes and its emotional moments, they are entirely new. Fin, the kid who’s known nothing but war and yet can’t bear the reality of it, possessed

Yup - look, I know there’s a lot of people around here who would piss on Abrams if he discovered the cure for cancer, AIDS and the common cold. He can’t do a damn thing right by them, and I guess that’s OK. If his work isn’t your glass of blue milk, it just isn’t.

Because the prequels sucked. Worse, they completely ignored everything that made Star Wars work. The characters. The mystery. The hints of a larger universe. A universe that looks lived-in. The prequels made everything look brand new, but also small. Every character was connected to the original trilogy, even where it

Exactly this. Star Wars is supposed to be the heroic cycle, played out over and again, with variations on themes of hope, struggle, and redemption.

If anything, Finn’s rejection of the Empire starts the redemption part early.

Maybe geeks don't need a reminder, but general audiences coming off the prequels probably did.

yeah, in all her various iterations, the relationship with Ivy is the healthiest Harley’s ever had.

Ivy and Harley, at least in the animated series, makes much more sense than whatever it is that Harley and the Joker have.