
That’s a really good point

Apart from the ‘fathers blood’ thing. I don’t see anything about the treatment of these women that is specific to Nigeria. Victim blaming, poor treatment of rape victims & being suspicious of Muslims because they might be terrorists is wide spread. US drone bombings kill Civilians all the time.

He specifically called out in a video that he’d love to see DH make a good game. To focus all their energy on one game instead of producing multiple games like a factory assembly line. How is the cyber-bullying?

He thought she was Mexican and it started because Turk had been calling their daughter blackxican.

And how is that Europes fault? The US doesn’t want to lose its oil supply so it dumps missles & bases in any country it likes. That’s protecting yourself not anyone else

Babies are needed to maintain the countries population. A falling birth rate leads to an aging population with more retired people than can be supported by the younger people paying taxes & less taxes in general to keep a country running. So a certain amount of babies are needed to keep a population stable

No one wants the US to build that missile shield, the US is trying to protect its self by interfering in other countries, as per usual

If you want to go back to work then you should be able to & split the leave with your partner so they can take the rest of the time off. But that doesn’t negate the need for paid parental leave

In Ireland its paid for by the PRSI the social insurance we all pay into for things like unemployment benefits & the government pension. You get a set amount from that & your company can top it up so your on full pay for 6 months & you can take another 6 unpaid. You can also have longer paid by taking all your holiday

I don’t think a publicly traded company is allowed to to keep back shares like that. It could be seen as attempted to inflate their stock price by creating a false shortage.

I can see why his uncompromising nature might be enjoyable for some people and it can compliment some characters, like Batman well.

I don’t like the Wonder Woman, Superman pairing because I feel like it is at her expense. She must do everything his way, and there is never an attempt on his behalf to understand her.

the Tiffany Aching sub-series is actually my least favorite of his. I was hoping the last Discworld novel would be a Guards book or one featuring Susan Death, but still I’ll be sad when I finish it because it will be the last new Discworld novel.

Rhianna has written a couple of screenplays for Discworld novels, so we might get more T.V. stuff - which is fine with me, I’ve enjoyed most of the T.V adaptations so far.

The women’sworld cup does make a profit now & the players argument was always that they should get paid more now because it makes profit not that they should get paid the same as the men

that is something I really enjoyed about the Women’s World Cup, no falling down on the ground when a fly brushes passed them like in the Men’s World Cup.

this could be because of my love of Diana Rigg but I really think that Mrs Bradley should be on this list

As much as I like the direction they are taking with Midnighter I wish they’d done it with a new character instead. Midnighter & Apollo where one of the first really visible gay couples in comics & the first one that I came across where we got to see those intimate couple moments.

If Janet is dead then I assume that mean Hank killed her? Hank Pym is just the worst in the comics so I’m kinda resistant to any attempts to redeem him without addressing how horrible he was.

It’s on Netflix, at least it’s on the UK Netflix