
Honestlly it would be helpful if Twitch created an automated bot that detected these messages and gave the number of the suicide prevention hotline to the person. Very similar to how Google works in that if you try to google how to kill yourself it turns back the suicide prevention hotline or other websites about how

Okay, okay. Hold on. The post you’re referring to did not call for game developers to “take a game option away from everyone.” It was a trend piece. I noticed that two big new Ubisoft games (ACO and FC5) both had compasses in place of minimaps, and saw that as a possible sign that more open-world games in the future

Speaking of weird insecurities, here you are angrily questioning the masculinity of a stranger because he wants to play a game on easy mode.

He didn’t claim to be “bullied”. That’s your own overwrought interpretation of a not particularly angst-ridden article.

No, he saw a game with an issue about how it approaches difficulty, and then used that as a prompt to address how bad difficulty sliders/choices are as a whole. Some people don’t want games to be super hard and Wolfenstein 2 is just contributing to the bad implication that people who like easy games are losers.

“Artists should suffer” is such outdated thinking

Respectfully, fans, as a rule, don’t make mortgage payments for you, or pay for your kids’ college, or keep your retirement fund flush for when you decide you don’t want to do your job anymore. Better pay does. Residuals do.

To me it says the money is more important than the fans who fell in love with you for your work

Maybe we consumers need to take a stand and boycott products made by scabs.

Shooting yourself in the foot is continuing to work a job that isn’t providing the pay/benefits you need.

Actually I can, and I did. I really don’t remember a lot of times where a side quest didn’t provide something interesting - maybe not a great item or a new plot point, but often some bit of DA lore or fragment of a story that could be pieced together as I traveled.

Funny, I felt the exact opposite with DA:I. I really enjoyed how they tied in all the little things to the giant hole in the sky.

I did enjoy DA:I very much, thanks.

Not all content is made equal. I felt that DAI disrespected my time with filler stuff that didn’t really make an impact or even represent what the game was ‘about.’ I’m playing dozens of hours of Zelda, but the game is packed with mysteries / charm, so it doesn’t feel like a waste of my time - I am still discovering

If you finished it in a vacuum it probably wasn’t that egregious. I certainly didn’t think so; given that I was high on the adrenaline of the last few sequences. I feel as if everyone’s opinions are colored and enhanced by the echo chamber hate that was going on about it.

Haters gonna hate. I’m loving the new starter designs, and I think it’s awesome that we’re finally getting a more “feminine” Pokemon starter design, since as a water starter they’ve always end up as burly masculine Pokemon.


I’m pretty sure Laura K. Dale DOES deal with being who she is, all she did was remark that some people decided to go that route just to be nasty. It isn’t like she went all woe is me, just mentioned that on top of being accused of being a hoaxer and whatever else the frenzied chimps that gamers are these days thought

yeah, in all her various iterations, the relationship with Ivy is the healthiest Harley’s ever had.

Ivy and Harley, at least in the animated series, makes much more sense than whatever it is that Harley and the Joker have.