
But he wasn’t sexually harassing these lovely women he worked with. These were “romantic experiences”.

Forget the ridiculous third reason for a moment. Why do there seem to be so many otherwise intelligent people who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of the time it’s not appropriate to act on your sexual impulses? Literally everyday of the week I work with and walk by women that I am attracted to,

He referenced his own romantic experiences in a lab setting and how they were “disruptive to the science”

“I’m very sorry that what I thought were light-hearted ironic remarks were taken so seriously, and I’m very sorry if people took offense. I certainly did not mean to demean women, but rather be honest about my own shortcomings,”

Seems to me there’s an easy and obvious solution. Make more money than your husband but tell him you make around the same. Then, every day, leave an envelope stuffed with 20’s on your front porch just before he gets home.

I know ‘Pinot Noir’ gets all the glory, but ‘Daddy’s Boy’ made my husband and I pause the last few seconds of an episde to finish laughing.

So the USA Today article says nothing about your alleged residents.

1. The security guard didn’t call the cops - both the party-goers and the neighbors did.
2. The ONE and ONLY fight was between the girl hosting the party and a neighborhood mom who decided it was appropriate to be hurling racist epithets at the child and then hit her.
3. Teens trespass, but even so - MANY of those kids

The problem isn’t that the police were called.

I don’t think anyone’s position is that trespassing or disobeying officers is good. My stance is that police officers waving guns at unarmed children is WORSE and totally unacceptable. Breaking up a party with guests of multiple races and ignoring the white kids is undeniable racial targeting. Body slamming a skinny

That’s because black kids mouthing off is threatening, while white kids mouthing off is just kids being kids.

There is some sort of facebook post making it’s rounds now from one women who was there about why the cops were called. Trying to find now.

the only highlight was the barrel roll

My birth mom was forced to have me by her parents. It really fucked her up emotionally and mentally. She didn’t raise me, my bio-dad and his parents 0-6, and my Dad and my step-mom from there. My bio mom life was a mess from a long time, and I have misplaced guilt over her being forced to have me. People are

Riiiiiiiiight. I was an unplanned baby (and I’m a twin, so that was SUPER fun for my poor mom) and, well, yeah, it DOES feel kinda nice that she chose to have my brother and I even though she was young, poor and unmarried at the time because she wanted to and not because she had weird religious convictions or

My biological father doesn’t want contact, but wanted to make sure I knew I knew that I was around because they would never have thought of abortion. He said it to “comfort” me after telling me we couldn’t have contact because his family never knew and it was a huge, shameful secret (his exact words.). So, uh, thanks?

My mom just about gave up converting me to her side when she posed that question to me: “so you’re okay that the only reason you’re here is because I didn’t have an abortion?” I was like:

I have noted in the rhetoric of many pro-life advocates the notion that women, somehow, are incapable of actually being informed agents in their own participation in the post-conception reproductive process. They keep going on about how women who go into have abortions done must be “confused” or that someone must have

But at the same time, it cracked me up when the “Man of Steel” movie came out a couple of years ago, and everybody was all freaked out because Superman killed Zod. I’m thinking, “I don’t have a problem with that.”

At my sister’s graduation, my family befriended the family behind us and teamed up so they helped us cheer when she went on stage and we did the same for their son. I recommend it as a tactic for all who want to be heard.