
Everyone is different. I, for example, have never had a child. And aside from initial discomfort (1-2 days of cramps), haven't had any problems with my IUD.

Oh, I have a wonderful example of this in action. I'm at work. Myself and the other women in the office start feeling weird. Headaches, dizziness, etc. We think we can smell gas. We become concerned. The men are all "whatever, you are all crazy". This goes on for a couple hours. We are feeling really gross. The men

"I think in her book, she wrote that WOC were at fault for the crazy beauty standards women have to follow (big lips, butts, etc), so that's one thing."

It kinda does though, from a parents point of view. And that's the problem really, because baby appears to be growing normally, and then suddenly experiences a regression. And that leaves the door wide open for all sorts of speculation and conspiracy theories.

I found the 'Iron Eagle' thing funny—my FIL is a Native (raised on the res), and was in the Air Force—and it's EXACTLY the kind of joke he would make. The problems people are having with this show, IME, is that satire, for many, is dead. My guess is that many of those 'offended' are NOT the POC, LGBT folk, but

Thank you for posting that. I haven't seen this show yet but having been active in Native communities before, I always pro "ask an Native person" about this kind of thing. White people really like to be offended on their behalf but most of the Native people I've known have a really great (and often dark) sense of

I'm Navajo and I loved this show. While I cannot comment on how the Asian community thinks of Dong, I feel pretty strongly about the Native American arc. In the third episode where Mrs. Vorhees parents are introduced, I died. I thought they captured a part of Native Americans that I don't see in media: our sense of

There's a later episode where Jacqueline's parents come to visit and her dad says something about "flying in the great iron eagle - just kidding. I know what a plane is. I was in the Air Force!" which…I think was actually kinda great. I'll go so far as to say that a lot of people think that all Native Americans live

They actually have ended up being my favorite characters! At first I was really uneasy but then it just hit me, this is satire. And those two are HILARIOUS.

Netflix runs a show featuring not one heterosexual cis white male lead? Pick it apart, it had a few uncomfortable moments!

I really think all the racial stereotype jokes come around, even Jane Krakowski Native American thing. I am a little uneasy about that particular plot line and I think they could have done without it, but they bring it back way later in the series and I think tie it together ok. I think the joke about the litter was

Everything about this story makes me livid, starting with their wanting to separate a family because "Marsha and I always planned to have five children". These abominations would split up traumatized siblings because it didn't conveniently fit in to their plans. That should have absolutely been a red flag right from

"Marsha and I always planned to have five children..."

Interesting that Senator Cornyn should be such a stickler for procedurals and rules: He's one of the 47 signatories on that note informing Iran that any deal the executive branch might achieve regarding nuclear negotiations can be undone by the next administration. I.e. he's perfectly happy to break with protocol and

So they want to force girls or women who have been trafficked into sexual slavery to give birth to their rapist's babies? Good job GOP immoral fuckwads for never ceasing to amaze me.

Good. I've said this before, and I'll say it again: a physical threat on the internet should per se be a crime and subject to prosecution.

The day I suck a man's dick for any other reason than because I goddamn felt like it is the day every single one of you needs to put a fucking bullet in my head.

I'm sorry you didn't get this explained to you at a more appropriate age, but the fact is that every abandoned baby has a biological father as well as a biological mother. (If you need help understanding how that works, try googling "human reproduction".)

When I first saw the headline yesterday, I was hoping that they were going to start giving new parents something like the Finnish baby box. I was disappointed.