
Karyn, would you consider adding AHA's symptoms of heart attack in women to the post? Confusion about the symptoms is a large part of why women are facing delayed treatment.

Yeah I don't even care that the van is pink. I like pink. But their excuse that they wanted it to be eye catching (yeah, obviously) is pretty weak - you know what else is eye catching? Yellow. Orange. Green. COLORS IN GENERAL. I'd be far, far more offended by the "kitchen table" comment if I were British. Go away and

Actually, at that time—until the mid-80s and Cher, really—all the celebs just bought dresses off the rack and did their own makeup for the Oscars. (ETA: Occasionally, a costume designer they worked with would make something up for them—like in the Edith Head studio days.) Many of them talk about it—Meryl Streep, Jodie

Ladies I'll go on record when I say:

yeah, sure, if you treat "climate change" as a concept and not as direct effects on living creatures, habitats, infrastructures, etc. Sorry to be biocentric here but something can easily be classed as "bad" if it causes harm, distress, impairs flourishing, etc to something that already has to compete with every living

If someone pees in public they must register as a sex offender. If someone beats up their partner, the police doesn't give a damn, until there's one or more dead bodies. Why not make them register somewhere, too?

If you're gonna go for a tinfoil hatty conspiracy, can it not be one that's really pretty sexist? The only reason this rumor would get started is "Gee whiz a WOMAN couldn't have written something like THAT, could they?"

Or something even more nefarious could be going on. What if someone is trying to pass off a manuscript as Lee's, when it is not?

I'm trying to be (sorta) optimistic (kinda) and hope that the massive infusion of cash this is definitely going to result in will go to Harper Lee to make her final years the most comfortable they could possibly be. Like daily foot and leg massages and all of the best in-home nursing care and so on.

I was one of the kids who had a severe reaction to the MMR vaccines. Had a pretty bad fever from the vaccination when I was one, and have permanent hearing loss in both ears as a result. It was one in a million, but it does happen.

Yes! "The state doesn't own your children, parents own their children, and it is an issue of freedom." By his argument, parents should be able to do anything, anything to their children! Abuse, selling them, killing them. The state shouldn't step in for any reason, because kids are property, and property rights are

Parents do not own their children. That's just a really weird and disturbing way of looking at parenthood. It's also not all that backed up by law or logic. I can sell my tv on Craigslist and yet those who have tried to do the same with children have found that the law frowns upon it and will put them in jail for it.

I was born in the Middle East and am in my early 20s, so I was vaccinated for polio. I REMEMBER getting the 3 doses of the oral vaccine. Like, I must have been 2/3/4. But I still remember the 3 different times I had to get it. So it pisses me right the fuck off that people like to conveniently forget that these


The story of young love torn asunder... TODAY, on SICK SAD WORLD!