
But that's the way an effective justice system works. Everyone, no matter how horrible they are, deserves representation and a fair trial.

If you read the article attached to it, one of Detroit's own detectives was critical of the raid. They charged through an apartment complex without doing their due diligence - actually looking up the residence, to see if their suspect was actually at that address/unit.

If a white middle-class child is killed by police (though this seems highly unlikely), then white middle-class America will care. It's just like the ad (I can't remember the name of the organization) showing a little girl's life in one year, from one birthday to the next, where there was a war happening off screen

Don't "you people" also get mad and swell up when bullets hit you? I heard that somewhere...oh, was fucking court testimony that someone said with a straight face!

"what's wrong with just getting him in a warrant"

Not as exciting for the A&E show. I think this girl might have died because the cops wanted to produce more compelling television for viewers at home.

Reading the articles it sounds like she was collateral damage of wanting some flashy shit for a fucking TV show.

WHy the fuck are they cops raiding a house like this? I mean I get that the dude was a suspect in a double murder, but what's wrong with just getting him in a warrant, especially if homework was fucking done and it was found that it was a 2 dwelling home? That baby girl should not have been involved at all.

The majority of Americans are okay with this. Black lives do not matter. Whether male or female, young or old. The majority (yes, that's mostly white people in the US) think the murder of this child is just collateral damage.

Ok America, are you listening? It's ok to kill black people. You don't need a reason. If they look all suspicious carrying a bag of Skittles, by all means, shoot them! If it's a child with a toy gun, shoot them. If they get uppity, trying to defend themselves from an abuser, shoot them. We can't have these folks

yes but the black woman who fired a warning shot to get rid of her abusive boyfriend? STOW HER AWAY

The other day I was at Pinkberry with a friend and we sat near a table of women who were loudly talking about why they would just never vaccinate their children.

As I've gotten older, I have become more outspoken about how ignorant climate deniers and anti vaxxers are that I *specifically* bring it up around people I think will be more likely to believe in that shit just so I can drop my truth bombs on them and watch them stutter their stupidity.

Good for you. I'm an acupuncturist and I've lost clients because I urged them to get adult boosters and the pneumococcal & meningitis vaccine after an outbreak at a local college.

Good on you. These child-endangering willfully-ignorant dolts deserve all they shame they've brought on themselves.

True story:

I was raped by my best friend's husband/next door neighbor. Imagine the complications of that. The defense considered me very bad and naughty, I made that married man stray and then tried to ruin his family. Actually, I missed all the warning signs that he was probably about to get dangerous because I just assumed he

My sympathies to you, first of all.

I'd love to hear how she'd explain a non-drunk teenager getting raped in her own room in the middle of the day. Hi. Yeah, that was me.

Females* don't choose to get raped. In a rape situation, the person making a choice is the person doing the rape, and they bear the responsibility.