
Either her contract is up soon or her contract is bulletproof.

Marvel Studios is giving us the colorful nearly-faithful adaptations of super heroes, Fox is going for the more sci-fi look and feel. I'm okay with that. The Fantastic Four has always been very science-y, and this movie is going to play that up. It wouldn't be any better or worse if they were wearing bright blue

FYI a big part of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's work at the ACLU was bringing sex discrimination suits on behalf of men because it would ultimately be good for women.

This is not a "male tears" kind of case. This is a case that is GOOD for women because it forces into the light the hiring of conventionally attractive women as window dressing to draw in customers. From breastaurants to apparently this chain of Ruby Tuesdays, I wish more (men/unconventionally attractive women/other

No, you've got it all wrong. A lawsuit like this is GOOD for feminism. I'm sure this chain is guilty of what they have been accused of, as with other (Hooters, breastaurants of various sorts of variety). The more we limit women as being seen as attractive ornaments to draw in customers the better for ALL of us.

And the funny thing is, he's a weirdly feminist misogynist, if you'll forgive the oxymoron. I'm thinking of the scene where he puts on his grief counselor hat and tells one of his own near-victims that "Nothing you did or could ever do made this happen to you. It's all on the person who attacked you."

True, but the show does several important things:

It does but not in a glamorized way, at least to me. Its very unsettling in a way that makes you realize, hey, this does happen. It should make you uncomfortable. Also, (and this is brought up in the show) he is driven by sexual desire but he never rapes his victims. Its very multifaceted and richly complex. It's done

So does Law & Order: SVU. The Fall is significantly better.

This show is brilliant, and really made me look at American television women in such a new and terrible light. I had seen an episode of "The mysteries of Laura" and i know that I am comparing apples and oranges but was really struck by the childishness and immaturity of women in their 40's often seen in American TV

Yeah, he's center-right, and I know plenty of people who don't like his party or its values. And you could be right, but in the interview, as you say, it was obviously a struggle to break his privacy. That, or he's a very good actor, which successful politicians often are in part. I'm willing to give him the benefit

I'm not a scientist. So take the following with a grain of salt.

The woman doing the Xena cosplay even looks like Lucy Lawless

Sure, but there's also an achievement for kidnapping a woman, tying her up, and letting her be run over by a train.

I strongly disagree that Rose is defined by her relationships with men. Her relationship with her mom is central to her character. There's that great scene in "Army of Ghosts" where Rose's mom talks to her about her fear that one day there'll be a woman in an alien marketplace on some other planet, and it won't be

Yes, thank you. This is super important.

I think what a lot of people misunderstand about the Bechdel test is that it isn't a test of quality. A movie can be amazing but fail it. Lord of the Rings is by most accounts an excellent series, but it fails the Bechdel test.