
DarkSky is my absolute favorite single-purpose iOS app. It works consistently, and always notifies me in a reasonable amount of time about rain. It doesn't base it only on weather "alerts" so it lets me know even if it's just going to be a drizzle. I do love it. I hope for your sake it gets ported properly to

Statements like that are why the ladies at Jezebel hate us.

More like bananus phone, right? I'll see myself out.

Except the issue wasn't about the bug report sitting ignored in a backlog: the hacker posted FB's response to his bug report, which basically waved it off as a "not a bug".

Hey! I don't! Neat huh?

Which would seem plausible... if they didn't send him an email back already saying "this is not a bug"...

He received a response claiming it was not a bug and then was ignored again. That's not backlog.

I was crafting a sentence to disagree with you. Then I remembered that this is the same company that paid $1,000,000,000 to make your photos look worse. So, yeah, throwing the guy a $500 bone shouldn't be a stretch.

They replied to him stating it was not a bug. So it's not a matter of them not getting to his submission.

In that case the email should have said thanks, it's on our backlog.

They have so much of a backlog they have time to completely dismiss a well documented (by the whitehat) bug? The guy submitted complete documentation (assuming the article is accurate). All they had to do was go to a dev server and follow the guy's documentation on how to use the exploit. Assuming they have a dev

So by your definition nothing is horrible. That's great news.

New story that reminds me of how horrible of a company Facebook is.

Wow, can't even just give the guy $500 even for the sake of P.R. What a bunch of douches, they didn't deserve to know the of the bug.

Find bug. Report bug. Get ignored. Exploit bug. Get noticed. Bug fixed. You were bad, no money for you.

I think this about handles the MO for recovery

Eric be frank, as there hasn't been an article on the new layout to introduce it we're a little in the dark, is this layout here to stay? Is the prior one now permanently in the history books?

I'm not talking about recording everyone, all the time. That of course would be ridiculous. I'm talking about getting classified supoenas to record output from specific units. This is already going on with smartphones. Law enforcement can already get orders to record your GPS data and whatnot. Suppose they think a

"as the layers of the NSA shitshow have been peeled back, the possibility of the NSA compelling Microsoft to give it access to either metadata or outright reams full of data seems more and more viable."