
Sounds like my kind of haunt.

At least our movements are still fluid compared to it.

Oh boy, if this bothers you definitely don't look into the world of sports cars. You'll get a case of the sads.. :(

Oh boy, if this bothers you definitely don't look into the world of sports cars. You'll get a case of the sads.. :(

That, full screen, might kill someone..

I've been playing with this for awhile now. The issue I'm facing is that the auto-recognize only kicks in when I immediately turn the display on. And because it is behind a key guard, it won't do anything. I can hear my phone toggle that it is listening but when I unlock it, it isn't listening anymore.

Don't like the new layout? Hang around a bit. It'll change. Like the weather in Colarado.

It was only the VERY LOUD vocal minority who said big brother was tapping your cellphone by turning the mic on and the owner would never know. Annnndddddd they were right!

These aren't "fandroids". These are people who are just used to not being able to tinker with things such as the battery/SD card.

Can I borrow "encuntered"? I think I've met a lot of people that would apply to!

Yeah, it has been resurrected, by Jesus Diaz.

You've met a "fandroid" who told you if you wanted more memory, you're doing it wrong?

Video shows FedEx driver tossing boxes into truck: Fact

I do believe that's Petticoat's mission in life.

My breath is wasted over at Gawker. But this entire situation - including watching the reactions of the people and even reading the comments over there - just goes to show racism comes in all colors. And that chills my heart further towards humanity and the plight of people in general. I know I'm not alone in that

Perhaps, they can watch all they want. They, however, won't be reading anything.

I bet you're going to get a lot of recommends simply from people who hate Microsoft. You know, the people who still type M$.