
I used it today, just long enough to download chrome. I've used it for more than that within the year and still hate it.

The terms of the site, have fun:

From the linked article: "... environmental perils including Burmese pythons, Dengue fever-carrying mosquitoes, herpes-infected feral monkeys, venomous lionfish from Asia, Africanized honeybees, biting sharks, rabid otters, jellyfish invasions, hurricanes, lightning strikes and home-devouring sinkholes..."
Might be

Americans fanatical about unconditional surrender? Perhaps. But so were the Japanese. They wouldn't hear of it. Not in the battles, not in the war. They knew something massive was coming their way and they didn't surrender. Bomb 1 was dropped. Did they surrender? No. Then bomb 2 was dropped. It was not simultaneous.

Fuck politicians in general. Both sides don't give a shit about you. But they do love polarizing people and taking the blame off themselves.

That's one great thing about Windows:

Some how Microsoft will get blamed because chrome OS is buggy in Win8.

The Anti-Deficiency Act, was created by Congress to make sure that critical things are not ignored. So, technically D.C. is the one that fixed this problem.

challenge accepted

Because it's a funny little stereotype to keep perpetuating. It's also glorious troll bait.

Assholes and douchebags predate human beings that just turned it up to eleven.

Sadsack Deadspin Writer Punked into Writing a Story about Idiot Comedians Who Still Aren't Famous after Committing a Crime and Getting Off Easy

Terrible article. These two guys are assholes. I haven't read an article this bad on deadspin since the last 4 articles written by Tom Ley

And how the theft is referred to as a prank and the piece keeps reminding us that these guys are comedians. Reading this was such an unpleasant experience. Them drinking fireball in hindsight was some total foreshadowing. "You're going to hate everything about these hilarious pranksters "

I'm convinced that this is performance art.

Sadsack Deadspin Reader Punked into Reading Stupid Article about Two Sadsack Drunken Comedians Who Committed a Felony - TWICE - Against Idiot Kicker Who I Almost Feel Bad For Now

'Fuck you.' What were they going to do, extradite us from L.A.?

Looks like Vanderjagt still can't put away the Steelers.

So two guys steal what is probably one of the guys favorite possessions, brag about it, then act like assholes and hold out when he asks for it back. Not sure why this article is so slanted against Vanderjagt. These two just sound like a couple of douchebags. Stealing his jerseys isn't even that funny of a story.