Hmm, I think the severity of being kicked out of a country for how he looks counts at least double.
Hmm, I think the severity of being kicked out of a country for how he looks counts at least double.
"...but more importantly, men are rarely judged for their appearance."
All snark aside, this sounds a lot like my husband. His job is stressful and too physically demanding for a man his age, but he can't retire or anything. He comes home, asks about my day, tells me a little about his, and does the things I saved up for him during the day. 'Cause I'm seriously disabled, stuck in a…
The thing is that this is true about what a lot of men want if they are working really demanding jobs. But it's also what women want if they are working really demanding jobs.
So, let me get this straight. Study after study that how much we consume and how many calories we get from it simply isn't a matter of "willpower", that "conscious eaters" actually eat more, that the human body responds to caloric restriction by increasing the number of calories you absorb from the same amount of food…
I find it amusing that he would find a mock baptism more of a problem than the countless acts of murder he would have been very willing to cope with. This is personally something I find backwards about some people's religious beliefs. In my eyes murder is many times worse than blasphemy. The one is a breach of…
Damn, I work there, and just learned this through Kotaku... -_- Thought we would have received a heads-up before knowing we lost our job through the internet.
There are lots of causes we could argue are worth dying for: saving a life, freedom, maybe even religious martyrdom…
Strangely enough, people blame Economics and the weakening dollar for the drop in conception to the traditional family. Mothers now work vs. take care of the home, costs of raising kids are through the roof, etc...
Between you and me (and the rest of Jezebel), I think Obama is an ineffective president. I didn't vote for him. I still think he's a decent human being, and I think he genuinely respects women as equals.
He has a history of treating women like human beings. I think most of us understand this was an unintentional mistake. Not only that, but he recognized his guffaw and offered a genuine apology. Those reasons combined are why no one is calling for his head on a platter.
Eh, I think the weight of his other actions and comments on the matter have illustrated that he made an uncharacteristically bad judgment call in making that comment. I don't have the feeling that he's just been fronting this whole time and just finally let his objectifyin' ways slip out.
if its a compliment you'd give a girl who is eyeballing you at a bar, its proooobably not ok for work. period. unless you're a super professional bar-goer.
One more point:
Good post and overall, probably not a bad set of rules, but it should be pointed out that the President — whom no one criticizing the remark thinks is a misogynist — complimented Attorney General Harris at a fundraiser, which can't legally be considered a work event in a private home, where presumably drinks had been…
Snark aside, this article is pretty decent.
You know how you can't go wrong? Just don't hand out compliments to anybody other than family members, or very good friends. Problem solved. Most people suck at accepting compliments anyways.
Even with religion, there is no argument. The entire anti-birth control line stems from Genesis 9:7, which reads, "As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and increase upon it." (King James New International Version, 2011), but does not prohibit any other activity or sexual contact.
"Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man! Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man! Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man! Hi, I'm Al Harrington, President and CEO of Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man Emporium and Warehouse! Thanks to a shipping error, I am now currently…
So... It's going to be a constantly connected cable box that requires the Kinect camera so that they can watch you to see how to market to you best (careful what you do in your living room, as Big Bro... I mean... Microsoft, will be watching) that you can play games on?...