
Nazi Germany is a good example of how bad it can get, but we don't even need to go back that far for good examples. Look at what has happened to political opponents and critics of ex-KGB thug Vladimir Putin. We have already seen errors in the no-fly list that the US government did not correct, resulting in a lot of

If Jeff was an actor, I could totally see him in the role of Lex Luthor.

Ring around the rosie

Galileo used a medieval version of the scientific method called the "demonstrative regress;" as did William Harvey when he proved that the heart pumped the blood.

Thus the need for better zoos. Not eliminating zoos. The zoo in Seattle is not like solitary confinement. They let the giraffes roam with the zebras and ostriches, etc. on several acres. They have heated rocks for the animals to bask on and large private shelters for the giraffes for when it rains (no guests can even

Allergic reactions are the bodies immune system making the mistake of thinking proteins in food are a threat when they really aren't. People with shellfish allergies are recommended to not eat bugs as they are similar enough that the reactions are likely (remember the dude that died from the cockroach eating contest?

Eat food???

Should one man have the ability to Veto something that isn't really any sort of national important issue? This takes the piss

My question isn't why, but how. Simply so that I'm aware of anything I can do to get around it. My desktop doesn't even have a sound card built in, it's a DAW, so unless I have live mics plugged into an interface, they wont hear much. But how exactly are they doing it, and what could I do to make it more difficult for

Stock ROMS????


People bitching about this really don't know shit about parcel service. You can tell from the boxes that these were all a single pickup from a single shipper. The FedEx/UPS drivers who run business pickups know their customers and they know what their customers ship. I would guess that these are retail products given

Just to play the devils advocate here, they were picking up dozens of the same packages from a location. Packages which could have easily been (i.e. Product Brochures, Towels with a sports team logo, etc) on it. I have seen this before when they have a bulk pick up and they know that it is a non breakable item.

Wow - I recognize the driver AND the street - that's 44th st. between 5th & Madison Avenues in NYC. The Christian Science Reading Room just down the street from my office (529 5th ave). I recognize the boxes too - they're from a CPA firm in my building too.

a) I think the man in this video is the customer, who clearly doesn't mind the packages being tossed.

Agreed. He doesn't look to be dressed like a FedEx employee and that's clearly not some major sorting center. Best guess is that they could be t-shirts or some other soft/lightweight object, but either way I wouldn't just guess that this is some terrible injustice based off of a dash-cam video shot by someone

Why the fuck are you and the TSA trying to shame this woman. THEY ARE FUCKING SHOES FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! The shoes dont actually shoot bullets and in all honesty are probably ALOT safer than most other stilettos they let women wear through security. Sure it may be in bad taste to wear gun shaped objects (or really heels

I am a piece of work because I've lived long enough and done enough to have my own views, opinions, likes and dislikes. So Excuuuuuuuse me if I express my thoughts and opinions.

I think reactions like that are very common in online forums, almost regardless of subject matter. There seems to be the unspoken assumption that if you go out of your way to endorse X in an online blog/post, it must mean you are implicitly condemning not-X. After all, why spend all that time typing out a firm opinion

1. "Feminist site" most of the people against me were anything but.