
Hi, here's an easy to Google and common knowledge thing that happened involving George Michael. Have a pleasant day, you seem like a pleasant person!…

I think the rage is about an industry trying to take complete control of consumer products and how they are used. In other words, when you buy a car, a microwave, or whatever, the company that made it relinquishes control of that product. If you want to stuff the microwave full of silverware and put it on 2 hour cook

First sentence of the fourth paragraph you've got Samsung instead of LG - makes for a confusing story! #corrections

It seems like every day there's a new threat by our own government....I love America for what it stands for but our government has/is raping everything we were designed to be.

I don't wanna hear your excuses! The desktop has to be at least... three times bigger than this!

Hmm, I think the severity of being kicked out of a country for how he looks counts at least double.

"...but more importantly, men are rarely judged for their appearance."

Why is everything done by "activists" so childish and immature..?

In rebuttal:

Excellent job, activists! Just remember, when your child, or close friend is diagnosed with one of these diseases you can sleep well at night knowing that you are responsible in some way, no matter how small, for their suffering.

I wish they would be charged and sentenced to work in a psychiatric hospital for a while as community service. Then they can see how debilitating mental disorders affect innocent people and their families. Maybe they will understand it's worth sacrificing a cute fluffy bunny or two to help them.

Oh, for fuck's sake

All snark aside, this sounds a lot like my husband. His job is stressful and too physically demanding for a man his age, but he can't retire or anything. He comes home, asks about my day, tells me a little about his, and does the things I saved up for him during the day. 'Cause I'm seriously disabled, stuck in a

The thing is that this is true about what a lot of men want if they are working really demanding jobs. But it's also what women want if they are working really demanding jobs.

MAN, I have never felt so betrayed by a show as I did by Heroes. I fought for it, I went to the nerd mat for it, then the last 5 minutes of the season 1 finale happened. I will always thank Heroes for bringing Zachary Quinto into my life, but I shall have to kindly ask it to pretend as if our relationship never

So, let me get this straight. Study after study that how much we consume and how many calories we get from it simply isn't a matter of "willpower", that "conscious eaters" actually eat more, that the human body responds to caloric restriction by increasing the number of calories you absorb from the same amount of food

I find it amusing that he would find a mock baptism more of a problem than the countless acts of murder he would have been very willing to cope with. This is personally something I find backwards about some people's religious beliefs. In my eyes murder is many times worse than blasphemy. The one is a breach of

Skrillex's influence is EVERYWHERE.

At some point computers will be sophisticated enough that we'll have to have a discussion about consent.

Damn, I work there, and just learned this through Kotaku... -_- Thought we would have received a heads-up before knowing we lost our job through the internet.