
I do love me some Yamahas.

LOL, literally, laughing out loud over his/her response. They aren't hitting anyone.


And Apple people say "We never, ever, ever troll Android.. ever".

I'd like to add that if you stick with the horizontal scrolling, can we advance comments by a single scroll as opposed to the current double? I want the comment I'm paying attention to located on the very left. It's like "active" in my mind. The double scroll we get makes the second column feel "passive" and easy to

Sensitive areas.. I don't think Glass will be allowed in private businesses where information is restricted/classified. But the public sector isn't sensitive.

The real Crazy Aaaron? Awesome. That reminds me, I need to buy more of your stuff. My 1 lbs of lustrous bronze is still my favorite.

I'm not arguing with you, ieatpaint, for the record. I know all of those things you pointed out will sadly happen.

Up next on SyFy, MegaSnail VS Giant Python!

Did you read crenz' response? It's one up.

Passive-aggressive tendencies, despite knowing they aren't "sticking it to the man" by waiting until the last moment.

Captain Troll, I salute you.

Incoherent troll is confusing troll.

People of all walks of life purchase Apple products. Some of them are very smart, have advanced skills in computer science and technology in general. Others, not so much and they make up the majority of Apple's customers.

Who can argue with SirCharlesBarkley?

That bear looks pissed.. "What did you do to my fur?!"

Holy mother of God, Holy mother of God, Holy mother of God, Holy mother of God, Holy mother of God, Holy mother of God, Holy mother of God, Holy mother of God, Holy mother of God, .. /shiver

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2014 is another group for Illinois.

Here you go: