
Oh wow, I'm laughing my ass off, here. There is a sucker born every minute.

IE9 does not or I would. ;)

Sounds like a company that would be in the red constantly.

Hey, you don't get it, okay. Have a nice day!

Ah, cell phones. More and more people are antagonizing and stirring shit with the intent to evoke a response and then film it so they can file a lawsuit.

I'm still waiting for the VZW version.. /drool

I'm amazed at the levels of "OMFG TOO BIG" comments. Seriously, you don't like the phone, don't buy it.

I browse from both the search bar and from Google's page. Sometimes it's easier to let Google make suggestions so that I may better construct my search. If I'm looking up a specific error and I type in the first few words and Google suggests an autocomplete that encompasses the entire string, that's a lot faster than

But in conjunction with other factors.

What about something like that uses atmospheric sampling to help derive a random number?

The wiimote's glam did wear off pretty quickly. But I blame the Wii for its shitty graphics that curbed my enthusiasm for the device.

Never get frisky in the living room?

1) My laptop isn't always on

Okay, yes, slightly melodramatic... but.

Eventually, Microsoft will miss me and others like me. I spend more than three casual gamers combined on Microsoft's Xbox services. Without my ilk, there would be no Xbox 720 for the dudebro gamers to lust after.

I'm sorry, my drama starts and 10 and goes up to 11. /snap

I shouldn't have laughed, but I did.

Hey, as long as I can permanently gouge the Kinect's eyes out or at least shut it off because I don't need passive cameras boring a hole through me while I watch TV.

Rumors have it next Apple will team up with AOL. Because Google.

Just don't forget Android was in development in 2003 before Google bought Android Inc, from the developers, in 2005.