
A case of technicality versus practicality.

I apologize, I was referring to drone strikes only. Error on my part. And I'll read the linked information.

I think we said the same things with different words.

I understand and I agree with you.

The only people the US need to fear it its own population. Public opinion at home wins and loses wars faster than any foreign opponent.

By that regards then it is perfectly acceptable for me to wish you get shot to death, as well.

No, we haven't failed to see it. We're just too busy trying to force the other side to admit defeat and cede control to the nation. The extreme left want socialism and could care less what actually happens to the population. The extreme right want capitalism even if it means raping the nation in the process. Either

We don't wonder and we don't care. I know that's callous, but the truth often is.

This. When did it ever become a popularity contest in the first place?

If you did so, you'd be justifying the US to continue acting in the same fashion. Is it worth it?

And even though you admit I'm right, you continue tilting at windmills. We're not talking about if Facebook should listen to its users, we're talking about if they have to. And they don't. It might not be smart for them to piss off their users and alienate everyone, but they still can. Everyone above the age of ten

I think I get it. It takes your ethnicity and your political affliations and makes a judgement based on those criteria, right?

Thank you for your response!

Thank you. :)

I only insulted you in my first post if you were a mentally degenerate. If you had any intellect, you would have been given a pass on your somewhat obfuscated sarcasm.

No, I still want one, sadly. I swear, it must be crack in them.

I try not to resort to grammar nazism since I screw up daily, but.. heh

I saw the lifehacker post about Griffin Technology but went to their page and didn't find the product. But Amazon is good.

Now I want a McRib.. wth.

The more important question is where I can buy just knobs?